
By How Much Does The Charge Change?

Electric Potential Difference

VIDThNail.pngIn the previous section of Lesson i, the concept of electrical potential was introduced. Electric potential is a location-dependent quantity that expresses the amount of potential free energy per unit of charge at a specified location. When a Coulomb of charge (or whatsoever given amount of charge) possesses a relatively large quantity of potential energy at a given location, then that location is said to be a location of high electrical potential. And similarly, if a Coulomb of charge (or whatever given amount of charge) possesses a relatively small quantity of potential energy at a given location, then that location is said to be a location of depression electric potential. As we begin to apply our concepts of potential energy and electric potential to circuits, we volition begin to refer to the departure in electric potential between two points. This part of Lesson 1 volition be devoted to an agreement of electrical potential difference and its application to the motility of accuse in electrical circuits.

Consider the task of moving a positive test charge within a uniform electric field from location A to location B as shown in the diagram at the correct. In moving the charge against the electric field from location A to location B, work will take to be done on the charge by an external force. The work done on the charge changes its potential free energy to a higher value; and the amount of piece of work that is done is equal to the change in the potential energy. As a outcome of this change in potential energy, in that location is too a divergence in electric potential between locations A and B. This divergence in electric potential is represented by the symbol ΔV and is formally referred to as the electric potential difference . By definition, the electric potential departure is the difference in electric potential (5) betwixt the last and the initial location when work is washed upon a accuse to change its potential free energy. In equation form, the electric potential difference is

The standard metric unit of measurement on electric potential departure is the volt, abbreviated Five and named in laurels of Alessandro Volta. One Volt is equivalent to one Joule per Coulomb. If the electric potential departure betwixt 2 locations is 1 volt, and so 1 Coulomb of charge will gain one joule of potential energy when moved betwixt those 2 locations. If the electric potential difference betwixt two locations is 3 volts, then one coulomb of accuse volition gain 3 joules of potential energy when moved between those ii locations. And finally, if the electric potential difference betwixt two locations is 12 volts, and so one coulomb of charge volition gain 12 joules of potential energy when moved betwixt those 2 locations. Because electric potential difference is expressed in units of volts, it is sometimes referred to as the voltage .

Electric Potential Deviation and Simple Circuits

Electric circuits, as we shall run into, are all about the motility of accuse betwixt varying locations and the corresponding loss and gain of energy that accompanies this movement. In the previous role of Lesson 1, the concept of electric potential was practical to a uncomplicated battery-powered electric circuit. In that discussion, it was explained that work must exist done on a positive test accuse to move it through the cells from the negative terminal to the positive terminal. This piece of work would increase the potential energy of the charge and thus increment its electric potential. As the positive test accuse moves through the external circuit from the positive terminal to the negative terminal, it decreases its electric potential energy and thus is at depression potential by the time information technology returns to the negative terminal. If a 12 volt bombardment is used in the circuit, and so every coulomb of accuse is gaining 12 joules of potential free energy as it moves through the bombardment. And similarly, every coulomb of charge loses 12 joules of electric potential free energy as it passes through the external circuit. The loss of this electric potential energy in the external circuit results in a gain in lite free energy, thermal energy and other forms of non-electrical energy.

With a clear understanding of electric potential deviation, the role of an electrochemical prison cell or collection of cells (i.e., a bombardment) in a simple circuit can be correctly understood. The cells but supply the energy to do work upon the charge to move it from the negative final to the positive terminal. Past providing energy to the charge, the jail cell is capable of maintaining an electrical potential difference across the 2 ends of the external circuit. In one case the charge has reached the high potential terminal, it volition naturally menses through the wires to the low potential terminal. The motility of charge through an electrical excursion is coordinating to the motility of water at a h2o park or the movement of roller coaster cars at an entertainment park. In each analogy, work must be washed on the water or the roller coaster cars to move it from a location of low gravitational potential to a location of high gravitational potential. Once the water or the roller coaster cars reach high gravitational potential, they naturally motion downwardly back to the low potential location. For a water ride or a roller coaster ride, the task of lifting the water or coaster cars to loftier potential requires energy. The energy is supplied by a motor-driven water pump or a motor-driven chain. In a battery-powered electric excursion, the cells serve the part of the accuse pump to supply energy to the charge to lift it from the low potential position through the cell to the high potential position.

It is often convenient to speak of an electric excursion such as the simple circuit discussed here as having two parts - an internal circuit and an external excursion. The internal circuit is the part of the circuit where energy is being supplied to the charge. For the simple battery-powered excursion that we have been referring to, the portion of the circuit containing the electrochemical cells is the internal circuit. The external circuit is the part of the circuit where charge is moving outside the cells through the wires on its path from the high potential terminal to the low potential concluding. The movement of charge through the internal circuit requires energy since it is an uphill move in a management that is against the electrical field. The motion of accuse through the external circuit is natural since it is a movement in the direction of the electric field. When at the positive final of an electrochemical jail cell, a positive test accuse is at a high electrical pressure in the same style that water at a h2o park is at a high h2o pressure afterward being pumped to the elevation of a water slide. Being nether high electric pressure, a positive exam charge spontaneously and naturally moves through the external circuit to the low force per unit area, low potential location.

As a positive exam charge moves through the external circuit, it encounters a variety of types of excursion elements. Each circuit element serves as an free energy-transforming device. Light bulbs, motors, and heating elements (such as in toasters and hair dryers) are examples of free energy-transforming devices. In each of these devices, the electrical potential energy of the charge is transformed into other useful (and non-useful) forms. For instance, in a low-cal bulb, the electric potential energy of the charge is transformed into light free energy (a useful course) and thermal energy (a not-useful form). The moving charge is doing work upon the light bulb to produce two different forms of energy. By doing so, the moving charge is losing its electric potential energy. Upon leaving the circuit element, the accuse is less energized. The location merely prior to entering the light bulb (or any circuit element) is a high electric potential location; and the location just after leaving the low-cal bulb (or any circuit chemical element) is a low electrical potential location. Referring to the diagram to a higher place, locations A and B are high potential locations and locations C and D are low potential locations. The loss in electric potential while passing through a circuit chemical element is often referred to every bit a voltage drop . By the time that the positive test charge has returned to the negative concluding, information technology is at 0 volts and is ready to be re-energized and pumped back up to the high voltage, positive terminal.

Electric Potential Diagrams

An electric potential diagram is a convenient tool for representing the electric potential differences between various locations in an electric circuit. Two elementary circuits and their respective electric potential diagrams are shown below.

In Circuit A, in that location is a 1.5-volt D-cell and a single calorie-free seedling. In Excursion B, there is a half-dozen-volt battery (4 i.5-volt D-cells) and two lite bulbs. In each case, the negative terminal of the battery is the 0 volt location. The positive final of the battery has an electric potential that is equal to the voltage rating of the battery. The bombardment energizes the charge to pump information technology from the depression voltage terminal to the loftier voltage terminal. Past so doing the battery establishes an electric potential departure across the two ends of the external circuit. Being nether electric force per unit area, the charge will now move through the external circuit. Equally its electric potential free energy is transformed into light energy and heat free energy at the low-cal bulb locations, the accuse decreases its electric potential. The total voltage drop across the external circuit equals the battery voltage equally the charge moves from the positive terminal back to 0 volts at the negative last. In the case of Excursion B, there are two voltage drops in the external excursion, ane for each light seedling. While the corporeality of voltage drib in an private seedling depends upon various factors (to exist discussed later), the cumulative amount of driblet must equal the 6 volts gained when moving through the bombardment.


The electrical potential difference across the two inserts of a household electrical outlet varies with the country. Use the Household Voltages widget below to find out the household voltage values for various countries (e.1000., Us, Canada, Japan, Prc, Due south Africa, etc.).

Bank check Your Understanding

one. Moving an electron inside an electric field would modify the ____ the electron.

a. mass ofb. corporeality of charge onc. potential energy of

2. If an electrical circuit were analogous to a h2o excursion at a h2o park, then the battery voltage would exist comparable to _____.

a. the rate at which water flows through the circuit

b. the speed at which h2o flows through the circuit

c. the distance that water flows through the circuit

d. the h2o pressure between the top and bottom of the circuit

e. the hindrance caused by obstacles in the path of the moving water


three. If the electrical circuit in your Walkman were coordinating to a water excursion at a water park, then the battery would be comparable to _____.

a. the people that slide from the elevated positions to the ground

b. the obstacles that stand up in the path of the moving water

c. the pump that moves h2o from the footing to the elevated positions

d. the pipes through which water flows

e. the distance that water flows through the circuit


4. Which of the following is true most the electrical excursion in your flashlight?

a. Charge moves around the circuit very fast - nearly as fast as the speed of light.

b. The battery supplies the charge (electrons) that moves through the wires.

c. The bombardment supplies the charge (protons) that moves through the wires.

d. The charge becomes used up as it passes through the light bulb.

east. The battery supplies energy that raises charge from low to high voltage.

f. ... nonsense! None of these are true.

5. If a battery provides a loftier voltage, it tin can ____.

a. do a lot of work over the grade of its lifetime

b. do a lot of work on each charge information technology encounters

c. push button a lot of accuse through a circuit

d. final a long time

The diagram below at the right shows a light bulb connected past wires to the + and - terminals of a automobile battery. Employ the diagram in answering the adjacent four questions.

half dozen. Compared to point D, point A is _____ electric potential.

a. 12 Five higher in

b. 12 V lower in

c. exactly the same

d. ... impossible to tell

7. The electric potential energy of a charge is goose egg at bespeak _____.

eight. Energy is required to force a positive test charge to move ___.

a. through the wire from indicate A to signal B

b. through the lite bulb from point B to point C

c. through the wire from point C to bespeak D

d. through the battery from point D to signal A


9. The energy required to motion +2 C of charge between points D and A is ____ J.

a. 0.167b. ii.0c. 6.0d. 12e. 24

10. The following excursion consists of a D-cell and a low-cal seedling. Apply >, <, and = symbols to compare the electric potential at A to B and at C to D. Indicate whether the devices add energy to or remove energy from the accuse.


11. Use your understanding of the mathematical human relationship between work, potential energy, charge and electric potential difference to complete the following statements:

a. A nine-volt battery volition increase the potential energy of i coulomb of charge by ____ joules.

b. A 9-volt battery will increase the potential energy of 2 coulombs of accuse by ____ joules.

c. A nine-volt battery will increase the potential energy of 0.v coulombs of charge past ____ joules.

d. A ___-volt battery will increment the potential energy of iii coulombs of charge by 18 joules.

eastward. A ___-volt battery will increase the potential energy of ii coulombs of charge by 3 joules.

f. A ane.5-volt battery will increase the potential free energy of ____ coulombs of charge past 0.75 joules.

g. A 12-volt battery volition increase the potential energy of ____ coulombs of accuse past half dozen joules.



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