
How To Change The Music For Minecraft 1.13

Information icon.svg

1.13 modified the IDs ​​of many blocks, items, biomes, particles, paintings, entities, statistics and sound events, removed numeric IDs, added and removed some block states, and changed NBT tags and brandish names.[ane] This alter is known as "The Flattening". The contents of this page serve as a comparison between the identifiers of versions 1.12.ii and ane.13. This was not washed to Bedrock Edition, keeping nearly Bedrock detail IDs the aforementioned.


  • ane Cake and item IDs
  • ii Entity IDs
  • three Biome IDs
  • iv Particle IDs
  • 5 Sound events
  • 6 Block states
  • vii Painting motifs
  • viii Names
  • 9 Statistics
  • 10 NBT data
    • 10.1 Items
    • ten.ii Entities
    • 10.iii Blocks
      • 10.3.1 Prior specifications
  • 11 Commands
  • 12 Advancements
  • 13 Loot tables
  • 14 Game avails
    • 14.i Block translation strings
    • 14.2 Particular translation strings
  • 15 History
  • xvi References

Block and particular IDs [ ]

Blocks and items that change their ID in whatever style also impact their statistics.

Change 1.12.2 one.13
Block ID Block Resource location
Separate Stone.png Stone rock Stone.png Stone stone
Granite.png Granite granite
Polished Granite JE2 BE2.png Polished Granite polished_granite
Diorite.png Diorite diorite
Polished Diorite JE2 BE2.png Polished Diorite polished_diorite
Andesite.png Andesite andesite
Polished Andesite JE2 BE2.png Polished Andesite polished_andesite
Rename Grass Block JE7 BE6.png Grass Block grass Grass Block JE7 BE6.png Grass Block grass_block
Separate Dirt.png Dirt dirt Dirt.png Clay dirt
Coarse Dirt.png Coarse Dirt coarse_dirt
Podzol.png Podzol podzol
Separate Oak Planks.png Planks planks Oak Planks.png Oak Planks oak_planks
Spruce Planks JE4 BE2.png Bandbox Planks spruce_planks
Birch Planks.png Birch Planks birch_planks
Jungle Planks JE3 BE2.png Jungle Planks jungle_planks
Acacia Planks.png Acacia Planks acacia_planks
Dark Oak Planks JE3 BE2.png Dark Oak Planks dark_oak_planks
Separate Oak Sapling JE14.png Sapling sapling Oak Sapling JE14.png Oak Sapling oak_sapling
Spruce Sapling JE7 BE2.png Spruce Sapling spruce_sapling
Birch Sapling JE7 BE2.png Birch Sapling birch_sapling
Jungle Sapling JE7 BE2.png Jungle Sapling jungle_sapling
Acacia Sapling JE7 BE2.png Acacia Sapling acacia_sapling
Dark Oak Sapling JE7 BE2.png Dark Oak Sapling dark_oak_sapling
Split Sand JE5 BE3.png Sand sand Sand JE5 BE3.png Sand sand
Red Sand JE3 BE2.png Reddish Sand red_sand
Separate Oak Log (UD) JE5 BE3.png Log log Oak Log (UD) JE5 BE3.png Oak Log oak_log
Spruce Log (UD) JE5 BE3.png Spruce Log spruce_log
Birch Log (UD) JE5 BE3.png Birch Log birch_log
Jungle Log (UD) JE6 BE3.png Jungle Log jungle_log
Oak Wood (UD) JE5 BE2.png Oak Wood oak_wood
Spruce Wood (UD) JE5 BE2.png Spruce Forest spruce_wood
Birch Wood (UD) JE5 BE2.png Birch Wood birch_wood
Jungle Wood (UD) JE4 BE2.png Jungle Wood jungle_wood
Separate Acacia Log.png Log (ii) log2 Acacia Log.png Acacia Log acacia_log
Dark Oak Log (UD) JE6.png Nighttime Oak Log dark_oak_log
Acacia Wood.png Acacia Wood acacia_wood
Dark Oak Wood (UD) JE5 BE2.png Nighttime Oak Wood dark_oak_wood
Separate Oak Leaves.png Leaves leaves Oak Leaves.png Oak Leaves oak_leaves
Spruce Leaves.png Bandbox Leaves spruce_leaves
Birch Leaves.png Birch Leaves birch_leaves
Jungle Leaves.png Jungle Leaves jungle_leaves
Separate Acacia Leaves.png Leaves (2) leaves2 Acacia Leaves.png Acacia Leaves acacia_leaves
Dark Oak Leaves.png Night Oak Leaves dark_oak_leaves
Dissever Sponge JE3 BE3.png Sponge sponge Sponge JE3 BE3.png Sponge sponge
Wet Sponge JE2 BE2.png Moisture Sponge wet_sponge
Separate Sandstone JE6 BE3.png Sandstone sandstone Sandstone JE6 BE3.png Sandstone sandstone
Chiseled Sandstone JE5 BE2.png Chiseled Sandstone chiseled_sandstone
Cut Sandstone JE5 BE2.png Cut Sandstone cut_sandstone
Rename Note Block JE2 BE2.png Notation Block noteblock Note Block JE2 BE2.png Note Block note_block
Rename Powered Rail (NS) JE2 BE2.png Powered Track golden_rail Powered Rail (NS) JE2 BE2.png Powered Runway powered_rail
Rename Cobweb JE5.png Cobweb web Cobweb JE5.png Cobweb cobweb
Separate Grass JE7.png Grass tallgrass Dead Bush JE2 BE2.png Dead Bush dead_bush
Grass JE7.png Grass grass
Fern JE6.png Fern fern
Rename Dead Bush JE2 BE2.png Dead Bush deadbush Dead Bush JE2 BE2.png Dead Bush dead_bush
Rename Piston (U) JE3.png Moving Piston[ids notation ane] piston_extension Piston (U) JE3.png Moving Piston[ids note 1] moving_piston
Divide White Wool JE2 BE2.png Wool wool White Wool JE2 BE2.png White Wool white_wool
Orange Wool JE3 BE3.png Orange Wool orange_wool
Magenta Wool JE3 BE3.png Magenta Wool magenta_wool
Light Blue Wool JE3 BE3.png Light Blue Wool light_blue_wool
Yellow Wool JE3 BE3.png Yellow Wool yellow_wool
Lime Wool JE3 BE3.png Lime Wool lime_wool
Pink Wool JE3 BE3.png Pinkish Wool pink_wool
Gray Wool JE3 BE3.png Grayness Wool gray_wool
Light Gray Wool JE3 BE3.png Lite Gray Wool light_gray_wool
Cyan Wool JE3 BE3.png Cyan Wool cyan_wool
Purple Wool JE3 BE3.png Regal Wool purple_wool
Blue Wool JE3 BE3.png Blue Wool blue_wool
Brown Wool JE3 BE3.png Brown Wool brown_wool
Green Wool JE3 BE3.png Green Wool green_wool
Red Wool JE3 BE3.png Red Wool red_wool
Black Wool JE3 BE3.png Black Wool black_wool
Rename Dandelion JE8 BE2.png Dandelion yellow_flower Dandelion JE8 BE2.png Dandelion dandelion
Separate Poppy JE8 BE2.png Bloom red_flower Poppy JE8 BE2.png Poppy poppy
Blue Orchid JE7 BE2.png Blue Orchid blue_orchid
Allium JE7 BE2.png Allium allium
Azure Bluet JE7 BE2.png Azure Bluet azure_bluet
Red Tulip JE7 BE2.png Red Tulip red_tulip
Orange Tulip JE7 BE2.png Orange Tulip orange_tulip
White Tulip JE7 BE2.png White Tulip white_tulip
Pink Tulip JE7 BE2.png Pinkish Tulip pink_tulip
Oxeye Daisy JE7 BE2.png Oxeye Daisy oxeye_daisy
Separate and merge Oak Planks.png Double Wooden Slab[ids note 1] double_wooden_slab Oak Slab JE5 BE2.png Oak Slab oak_slab
Spruce Slab JE4 BE2.png Spruce Slab spruce_slab
Birch Slab JE3 BE2.png Birch Slab birch_slab
Oak Slab JE5 BE2.png Wooden Slab wooden_slab Jungle Slab JE3 BE2.png Jungle Slab jungle_slab
Acacia Slab.png Acacia Slab acacia_slab
Dark Oak Slab JE3 BE2.png Night Oak Slab dark_oak_slab
Split up and merge Double Smooth Stone Slab JE2 BE2.png Double Stone Slab[ids note 1] double_stone_slab Smooth Stone Slab JE2 BE2.png Stone Slab stone_slab
Sandstone Slab JE5 BE2.png Sandstone Slab sandstone_slab
Oak Slab JE5 BE2.png Petrified Oak Slab petrified_oak_slab
Cobblestone Slab JE4 BE3.png Cobblestone Slab cobblestone_slab
Brick Slab JE3 BE2.png Brick Slab brick_slab
Smooth Stone Slab JE2 BE2.png Stone Slab stone_slab Stone Brick Slab JE3 BE2.png Stone Brick Slab stone_brick_slab
Nether Brick Slab JE3 BE3.png Nether Brick Slab nether_brick_slab
Quartz Slab JE3 BE2.png Quartz Slab quartz_slab
Smooth Stone JE2 BE2.png Polish Stone smooth_stone
Smooth Sandstone.png Polish Sandstone smooth_sandstone
Smooth Quartz Block JE3 BE2.png Smooth Quartz smooth_quartz
Dissever and merge Red Sandstone JE4 BE2.png Double Red Sandstone Slab[ids note 1] double_stone_slab2 Red Sandstone Slab JE4 BE2.png Red Sandstone Slab red_sandstone_slab
Red Sandstone Slab JE4 BE2.png Ruby Sandstone Slab stone_slab2 Smooth Red Sandstone.png Polish Red Sandstone smooth_red_sandstone
Merge Purpur Block JE2 BE2.png Double Purpur Slab[ids note 1] double_purpur_slab Purpur Slab JE2 BE2.png Purpur Slab purpur_slab
Purpur Slab JE2 BE2.png Purpur Slab purpur_slab
Rename Bricks JE5 BE3.png Bricks brick_block Bricks JE5 BE3.png Bricks bricks
Rename Spawner JE3.png Spawner mob_spawner Spawner JE3.png Spawner spawner
Rename Nether Portal (EW) JE5.png Under Portal portal Nether Portal (EW) JE5.png Nether Portal nether_portal
Separate Torch JE6 BE2.png Torch torch Wall Torch (S) JE7.png Wall Torch[ids notation 1] wall_torch
Torch JE6 BE2.png Torch torch
Merge Furnace (S) JE4.png Furnace furnace Furnace (S) JE4.png Furnace furnace
Lit Furnace (S) JE4.png Lit Furnace[ids annotation 1] lit_furnace
Rename Cobblestone Stairs (N) JE6 BE6.png Cobblestone Stairs stone_stairs Cobblestone Stairs (N) JE6 BE6.png Cobblestone Stairs cobblestone_stairs
Rename Oak Pressure Plate JE5 BE2.png Oak Force per unit area Plate wooden_pressure_plate Oak Pressure Plate JE5 BE2.png Oak Pressure Plate oak_pressure_plate
Merge Redstone Ore JE4 BE3.png Redstone Ore redstone_ore Redstone Ore JE4 BE3.png Redstone Ore redstone_ore
Lit Redstone Ore.png Lit Redstone Ore[ids note 1] lit_redstone_ore
Separate and merge Unlit Redstone Torch JE4.png Unlit Redstone Torch[ids note one] unlit_redstone_torch Redstone Wall Torch (S) JE5.png Redstone Wall Torch[ids annotation 1] redstone_wall_torch
Redstone Torch JE4.png Redstone Torch redstone_torch Redstone Torch JE4.png Redstone Torch redstone_torch
Rename Snow (layers 1) JE3 BE3.png Snow snow_layer Snow (layers 1) JE3 BE3.png Snowfall snow
Rename Snow Block JE2 BE2.png Snow Block snowfall Snow Block JE2 BE2.png Snow Block snow_block
Rename Oak Fence.png Oak Fence contend Oak Fence.png Oak Fence oak_fence
Rename Carved Pumpkin (S) JE5.png Carved Pumpkin pumpkin Carved Pumpkin (S) JE5.png Carved Pumpkin carved_pumpkin
Rename Jack o'Lantern (S) JE4.png Jack o'Lantern lit_pumpkin Jack o'Lantern (S) JE4.png Jack o'Lantern jack_o_lantern
Rename Oak Trapdoor JE4 BE2.png Oak Trapdoor trapdoor Oak Trapdoor JE4 BE2.png Oak Trapdoor oak_trapdoor
Separate Stone.png Infested Block monster_egg Stone.png Infested Stone infested_stone
Cobblestone.png Infested Cobblestone infested_cobblestone
Stone Bricks JE3 BE2.png Infested Stone Bricks infested_stone_bricks
Mossy Stone Bricks JE3 BE2.png Infested Mossy Stone Bricks infested_mossy_stone_bricks
Cracked Stone Bricks JE3 BE2.png Infested Cracked Stone Bricks infested_cracked_stone_bricks
Chiseled Stone Bricks JE3 BE2.png Infested Chiseled Stone Bricks infested_chiseled_stone_bricks
Separate Stone Bricks JE3 BE2.png Stone Bricks stonebrick Stone Bricks JE3 BE2.png Stone Bricks stone_bricks
Mossy Stone Bricks JE3 BE2.png Mossy Rock Bricks mossy_stone_bricks
Cracked Stone Bricks JE3 BE2.png Cracked Stone Bricks cracked_stone_bricks
Chiseled Stone Bricks JE3 BE2.png Chiseled Stone Bricks chiseled_stone_bricks
Carve up and merge Brown Mushroom Block (ESU) JE2 BE2.png Brown Mushroom Block brown_mushroom_block Brown Mushroom Block (ESU) JE2 BE2.png Dark-brown Mushroom Block brown_mushroom_block
Mushroom Stem (ESU) JE2 BE2.png Mushroom Stem mushroom_stem
Red Mushroom Block (ESU) JE2 BE2.png Carmine Mushroom Block red_mushroom_block
Red Mushroom Block (ESU) JE2 BE2.png Red Mushroom Cake red_mushroom_block
Rename Melon JE2 BE2.png Melon melon_block Melon JE2 BE2.png Melon melon
Rename Oak Fence Gate JE4 BE2.png Oak Argue Gate fence_gate Oak Fence Gate JE4 BE2.png Oak Fence Gate oak_fence_gate
Rename Lily Pad JE2 BE2.png Lily Pad waterlily Lily Pad JE2 BE2.png Lily Pad lily_pad
Rename Nether Bricks JE3 BE4.png Nether Bricks nether_brick Nether Bricks JE3 BE4.png Nether Bricks nether_bricks
Rename End Stone Bricks JE2 BE2.png Finish Stone Bricks end_bricks End Stone Bricks JE2 BE2.png Terminate Stone Bricks end_stone_bricks
Merge Redstone Lamp JE3 BE2.png Redstone Lamp redstone_lamp Redstone Lamp JE3 BE2.png Redstone Lamp redstone_lamp
Lit Redstone Lamp JE3 BE2.png Lit Redstone Lamp[ids note i] lit_redstone_lamp
Split up Cobblestone Wall JE2 BE2.png Cobblestone Wall cobblestone_wall Cobblestone Wall JE2 BE2.png Cobblestone Wall cobblestone_wall
Mossy Cobblestone Wall JE2 BE2.png Mossy Cobblestone Wall mossy_cobblestone_wall
Rename Oak Button (S) JE4.png Oak Button wooden_button Oak Button (S) JE4.png Oak Push button oak_button
Split Anvil (N) JE3.png Anvil anvil Anvil (N) JE3.png Anvil anvil
Chipped Anvil (N) JE3.png Chipped Anvil chipped_anvil
Damaged Anvil (N) JE3.png Damaged Anvil damaged_anvil
Merge Daylight Detector JE1 BE1.png Daylight Detector daylight_detector Daylight Detector JE1 BE1.png Daylight Detector daylight_detector
Inverted Daylight Detector JE1 BE1.png Inverted Daylight Detector[ids note 1] daylight_detector_inverted
Rename Nether Quartz Ore JE3 BE2.png Nether Quartz Ore quartz_ore Nether Quartz Ore JE3 BE2.png Nether Quartz Ore nether_quartz_ore
Separate Block of Quartz JE4 BE2.png Cake of Quartz quartz_block Block of Quartz JE4 BE2.png Block of Quartz quartz_block
Chiseled Quartz Block (UD) JE2 BE2.png Chiseled Quartz Block chiseled_quartz_block
Quartz Pillar (UD) JE3 BE2.png Quartz Pillar quartz_pillar
Separate White Terracotta JE1 BE1.png Colored Terracotta stained_hardened_clay White Terracotta JE1 BE1.png White Terracotta white_terracotta
Orange Terracotta JE1 BE1.png Orange Terracotta orange_terracotta
Magenta Terracotta JE1 BE1.png Magenta Terracotta magenta_terracotta
Light Blue Terracotta JE1 BE1.png Light Blue Terracotta light_blue_terracotta
Yellow Terracotta JE1 BE1.png Xanthous Terracotta yellow_terracotta
Lime Terracotta JE1 BE1.png Lime Terracotta lime_terracotta
Pink Terracotta JE1 BE1.png Pink Terra cotta pink_terracotta
Gray Terracotta JE1 BE1.png Grey Terracotta gray_terracotta
Light Gray Terracotta JE1 BE1.png Light Gray Terracotta light_gray_terracotta
Cyan Terracotta JE1 BE1.png Cyan Terracotta cyan_terracotta
Purple Terracotta JE1 BE1.png Majestic Terracotta purple_terracotta
Blue Terracotta JE1 BE1.png Blue Terra cotta blue_terracotta
Brown Terracotta JE1 BE1.png Brown Terracotta brown_terracotta
Green Terracotta JE1 BE1.png Light-green Terracotta green_terracotta
Red Terracotta JE1 BE1.png Red Terracotta red_terracotta
Black Terracotta JE1 BE1.png Blackness Terracotta black_terracotta
Separate White Carpet.png Rug carpet White Carpet.png White Carpet white_carpet
Orange Carpet.png Orange Carpet orange_carpet
Magenta Carpet.png Magenta Carpet magenta_carpet
Light Blue Carpet.png Calorie-free Blueish Carpet light_blue_carpet
Yellow Carpet.png Yellow Carpet yellow_carpet
Lime Carpet.png Lime Carpet lime_carpet
Pink Carpet.png Pink Carpet pink_carpet
Gray Carpet.png Grey Carpet gray_carpet
Light Gray Carpet.png Light Gray Carpet light_gray_carpet
Cyan Carpet.png Cyan Rug cyan_carpet
Purple Carpet.png Purple Carpet purple_carpet
Blue Carpet.png Blue Carpet blue_carpet
Brown Carpet.png Brown Carpet brown_carpet
Green Carpet.png Light-green Rug green_carpet
Red Carpet.png Cherry-red Carpet red_carpet
Black Carpet.png Blackness Carpet black_carpet
Rename Terracotta JE2 BE2.png Terracotta hardened_clay Terracotta JE2 BE2.png Terracotta terracotta
Rename Slime Block JE2 BE3.png Slime Block slime Slime Block JE2 BE3.png Slime Block slime_block
Split Sunflower JE2 BE2.png Double Constitute double_plant Sunflower JE2 BE2.png Sunflower sunflower
Lilac JE4 BE2.png Lilac lilac
Tall Grass JE4.png Tall Grass tall_grass
Large Fern JE4.png Large Fern large_fern
Rose Bush JE4 BE3.png Rose Bush-league rose_bush
Peony JE4 BE3.png Peony peony
Separate White Stained Glass JE3 BE3.png Stained Glass stained_glass White Stained Glass JE3 BE3.png White Stained Drinking glass white_stained_glass
Orange Stained Glass JE3 BE3.png Orange Stained Drinking glass orange_stained_glass
Magenta Stained Glass JE3 BE3.png Magenta Stained Drinking glass magenta_stained_glass
Light Blue Stained Glass JE3 BE3.png Light Bluish Stained Glass light_blue_stained_glass
Yellow Stained Glass JE3 BE3.png Yellowish Stained Drinking glass yellow_stained_glass
Lime Stained Glass JE3 BE3.png Lime Stained Glass lime_stained_glass
Pink Stained Glass JE3 BE3.png Pinkish Stained Drinking glass pink_stained_glass
Gray Stained Glass JE3 BE3.png Gray Stained Glass gray_stained_glass
Light Gray Stained Glass JE3 BE3.png Low-cal Gray Stained Glass light_gray_stained_glass
Cyan Stained Glass JE3 BE3.png Cyan Stained Glass cyan_stained_glass
Purple Stained Glass JE3 BE3.png Regal Stained Glass purple_stained_glass
Blue Stained Glass JE3 BE3.png Bluish Stained Glass blue_stained_glass
Brown Stained Glass JE3 BE3.png Brown Stained Drinking glass brown_stained_glass
Green Stained Glass JE3 BE3.png Green Stained Glass green_stained_glass
Red Stained Glass JE3 BE3.png Red Stained Glass red_stained_glass
Black Stained Glass JE3 BE3.png Black Stained Drinking glass black_stained_glass
Divide White Stained Glass Pane JE3 BE2.png Stained Drinking glass Pane stained_glass_pane White Stained Glass Pane JE3 BE2.png White Stained Drinking glass Pane white_stained_glass_pane
Orange Stained Glass Pane JE3 BE2.png Orange Stained Drinking glass Pane orange_stained_glass_pane
Magenta Stained Glass Pane JE3 BE2.png Magenta Stained Glass Pane magenta_stained_glass_pane
Light Blue Stained Glass Pane JE3 BE2.png Light Bluish Stained Drinking glass Pane light_blue_stained_glass_pane
Yellow Stained Glass Pane JE3 BE2.png Yellowish Stained Glass Pane yellow_stained_glass_pane
Lime Stained Glass Pane JE3 BE2.png Lime Stained Glass Pane lime_stained_glass_pane
Pink Stained Glass Pane JE3 BE2.png Pink Stained Drinking glass Pane pink_stained_glass_pane
Gray Stained Glass Pane JE3 BE2.png Gray Stained Drinking glass Pane gray_stained_glass_pane
Light Gray Stained Glass Pane JE3 BE2.png Light Grey Stained Glass Pane light_gray_stained_glass_pane
Cyan Stained Glass Pane JE3 BE2.png Cyan Stained Glass Pane cyan_stained_glass_pane
Purple Stained Glass Pane JE3 BE2.png Imperial Stained Glass Pane purple_stained_glass_pane
Blue Stained Glass Pane JE3 BE2.png Blue Stained Glass Pane blue_stained_glass_pane
Brown Stained Glass Pane JE3 BE2.png Brown Stained Drinking glass Pane brown_stained_glass_pane
Green Stained Glass Pane JE3 BE2.png Dark-green Stained Drinking glass Pane green_stained_glass_pane
Red Stained Glass Pane JE3 BE2.png Ruddy Stained Glass Pane red_stained_glass_pane
Black Stained Glass Pane JE3 BE2.png Black Stained Glass Pane black_stained_glass_pane
Separate Prismarine JE2 BE2.png Prismarine prismarine Prismarine JE2 BE2.png Prismarine prismarine
Prismarine Bricks JE2 BE2.png Prismarine Bricks prismarine_bricks
Dark Prismarine JE2 BE2.png Dark Prismarine dark_prismarine
Split Red Sandstone JE4 BE2.png Ruby-red Sandstone red_sandstone Red Sandstone JE4 BE2.png Red Sandstone red_sandstone
Chiseled Red Sandstone JE4 BE2.png Chiseled Red Sandstone chiseled_red_sandstone
Cut Red Sandstone JE4 BE2.png Cut Ruddy Sandstone cut_red_sandstone
Rename Magma Block JE2 BE2.png Magma Block magma Magma Block JE2 BE2.png Magma Block magma_block
Rename Red Nether Bricks JE3 BE2.png Ruddy Nether Bricks red_nether_brick Red Nether Bricks JE3 BE2.png Red Nether Bricks red_nether_bricks
Rename Light Gray Shulker Box.png Light Greyness Shulker Box silver_shulker_box Light Gray Shulker Box.png Light Grayness Shulker Box light_gray_shulker_box
Rename Light Gray Glazed Terracotta JE1 BE1.png Light Gray Glazed Terra cotta silver_glazed_terracotta Light Gray Glazed Terracotta JE1 BE1.png Light Gray Glazed Terracotta light_gray_glazed_terracotta
Separate White Concrete.png Concrete physical White Concrete.png White Concrete white_concrete
Orange Concrete.png Orangish Concrete orange_concrete
Magenta Concrete.png Magenta Concrete magenta_concrete
Light Blue Concrete.png Light Blue Concrete light_blue_concrete
Yellow Concrete.png Yellowish Physical yellow_concrete
Lime Concrete.png Lime Physical lime_concrete
Pink Concrete.png Pink Concrete pink_concrete
Gray Concrete.png Gray Concrete gray_concrete
Light Gray Concrete.png Light Gray Concrete light_gray_concrete
Cyan Concrete.png Cyan Concrete cyan_concrete
Purple Concrete.png Purple Concrete purple_concrete
Blue Concrete.png Blue Concrete blue_concrete
Brown Concrete.png Dark-brown Physical brown_concrete
Green Concrete.png Light-green Physical green_concrete
Red Concrete.png Red Physical red_concrete
Black Concrete.png Black Concrete black_concrete
Separate White Concrete Powder.png Concrete Powder concrete_powder White Concrete Powder.png White Concrete Powder white_concrete_powder
Orange Concrete Powder.png Orange Physical Pulverisation orange_concrete_powder
Magenta Concrete Powder.png Magenta Concrete Pulverization magenta_concrete_powder
Light Blue Concrete Powder.png Low-cal Blue Concrete Powder light_blue_concrete_powder
Yellow Concrete Powder.png Yellow Concrete Powder yellow_concrete_powder
Lime Concrete Powder.png Lime Concrete Powder lime_concrete_powder
Pink Concrete Powder.png Pink Concrete Pulverisation pink_concrete_powder
Gray Concrete Powder.png Grey Concrete Powder gray_concrete_powder
Light Gray Concrete Powder.png Calorie-free Grey Physical Powder light_gray_concrete_powder
Cyan Concrete Powder.png Cyan Concrete Powder cyan_concrete_powder
Purple Concrete Powder.png Majestic Physical Powder purple_concrete_powder
Blue Concrete Powder.png Blue Physical Powder blue_concrete_powder
Brown Concrete Powder.png Brown Concrete Powder brown_concrete_powder
Green Concrete Powder.png Green Concrete Pulverisation green_concrete_powder
Red Concrete Powder.png Red Concrete Powder red_concrete_powder
Black Concrete Powder.png Blackness Physical Powder black_concrete_powder
Rename Oak Door JE8.png Oak Door wooden_door Oak Door JE8.png Oak Door oak_door
Merge Redstone Repeater (S) JE4 BE1.png Unpowered Redstone Repeater[ids note 1] unpowered_repeater Redstone Repeater (item) JE3 BE2.png Redstone Repeater repeater
Powered Redstone Repeater (S) JE7.png Powered Redstone Repeater[ids annotation one] powered_repeater
Redstone Repeater (item) JE3 BE2.png Redstone Repeater repeater
Merge Redstone Comparator (S) JE4.png Unpowered Redstone Comparator[ids note 1] unpowered_comparator Redstone Comparator (item) JE2 BE2.png Redstone Comparator comparator
Powered Redstone Comparator (S) JE4.png Powered Redstone Comparator[ids note 1] powered_comparator
Redstone Comparator (item) JE2 BE2.png Redstone Comparator comparator
Carve up Coal JE4 BE3.png Coal coal Coal JE4 BE3.png Coal coal
Charcoal JE4 BE4.png Charcoal charcoal
Dissever Golden Apple JE2 BE2.png Gold Apple golden_apple Golden Apple JE2 BE2.png Aureate Apple golden_apple
Enchanted Golden Apple JE2 BE2.gif Enchanted Gilt Apple tree enchanted_golden_apple
Merge Oak Standing Sign (S) JE2 BE2.png Standing Sign[ids note ane] standing_sign Oak Sign (0).png Sign sign
Oak Wall Sign (S) JE2 BE2.png Sign sign
Merge Water JE16.png H2o[ids annotation 1] water Water JE16.png Water[ids note 1] h2o
Water JE16.png Flowing Water[ids note i] flowing_water
Merge Lava JE14.gif Lava[ids note 1] lava Lava JE14.gif Lava[ids note 1] lava
Lava JE14.gif Flowing Lava[ids note i] flowing_lava
Rename Oak Boat (item) JE4 BE3.png Oak Boat boat Oak Boat (item) JE4 BE3.png Oak Boat oak_boat
Rename Sugar Cane JE2 BE2.png Saccharide Cane reeds Sugar Cane JE2 BE2.png Carbohydrate Cane sugar_cane
Split up Raw Cod JE4 BE2.png Raw Fish fish Raw Cod JE4 BE2.png Raw Cod cod
Raw Salmon JE2 BE2.png Raw Salmon salmon
Tropical Fish JE2 BE2.png Tropical Fish tropical_fish
Pufferfish (item) JE5 BE2.png Pufferfish pufferfish
Split Cooked Cod JE4 BE3.png Cooked Fish cooked_fish Cooked Cod JE4 BE3.png Cooked Cod cooked_cod
Cooked Salmon JE2 BE2.png Cooked Salmon cooked_salmon
Separate Bone Meal JE3 BE3.png Dye dye Bone Meal JE3 BE3.png Bone Meal bone_meal
Orange Dye JE2 BE2.png Orange Dye orange_dye
Magenta Dye JE2 BE2.png Magenta Dye magenta_dye
Light Blue Dye JE2 BE2.png Lite Blue Dye light_blue_dye
Yellow Dye JE2 BE2.png Dandelion Yellow dandelion_yellow
Lime Dye JE2 BE2.png Lime Dye lime_dye
Pink Dye JE2 BE2.png Pinkish Dye pink_dye
Gray Dye JE2 BE2.png Gray Dye gray_dye
Light Gray Dye JE2 BE2.png Lite Grey Dye light_gray_dye
Cyan Dye JE2 BE2.png Cyan Dye cyan_dye
Purple Dye JE2 BE2.png Imperial Dye purple_dye
Lapis Lazuli JE2 BE2.png Lapis Lazuli lapis_lazuli
Cocoa Beans JE4 BE3.png Cocoa Beans cocoa_beans
Green Dye JE3 BE3.png Cactus Green cactus_green
Red Dye JE3 BE3.png Rose Ruddy rose_red
Ink Sac JE2 BE2.png Ink Sac ink_sac
Split White Bed (N).png Bed bed White Bed (N).png White Bed white_bed
Orange Bed.png Orange Bed orange_bed
Magenta Bed.png Magenta Bed magenta_bed
Light Blue Bed.png Lite Blueish Bed light_blue_bed
Yellow Bed.png Xanthous Bed yellow_bed
Lime Bed.png Lime Bed lime_bed
Pink Bed.png Pink Bed pink_bed
Gray Bed.png Gray Bed gray_bed
Light Gray Bed.png Calorie-free Grey Bed light_gray_bed
Cyan Bed.png Cyan Bed cyan_bed
Purple Bed.png Regal Bed purple_bed
Blue Bed.png Blue Bed blue_bed
Brown Bed.png Dark-brown Bed brown_bed
Green Bed.png Green Bed green_bed
Red Bed (N).png Cerise Bed red_bed
Black Bed.png Black Bed black_bed
Rename Melon Slice JE2 BE2.png Melon Slice melon Melon Slice JE2 BE2.png Melon Piece melon_slice
Separate Pumpkin Stem Age 7 JE7.png Pumpkin Stem[ids note 1] pumpkin_stem Pumpkin Stem Age 7 JE7.png Pumpkin Stem[ids annotation one] pumpkin_stem
Attached Pumpkin Stem (W) JE5.png Attached Pumpkin Stem[ids note 1] attached_pumpkin_stem
Dissever Stem Age 7 JE6.png Melon Stalk[ids notation ane] melon_stem Stem Age 7 JE6.png Melon Stem[ids annotation 1] melon_stem
Attached Melon Stem (W) JE5.png Attached Melon Stalk[ids note 1] attached_melon_stem
Rename Glistering Melon Slice JE3 BE2.png Glistering Melon Piece speckled_melon Glistering Melon Slice JE3 BE2.png Glistering Melon Slice glistering_melon_slice
Separate Spawn Egg.png Spawn Egg spawn_egg Bat Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png Bat Spawn Egg bat_spawn_egg
Blaze Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png Blaze Spawn Egg blaze_spawn_egg
Cave Spider Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png Cavern Spider Spawn Egg cave_spider_spawn_egg
Chicken Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png Chicken Spawn Egg chicken_spawn_egg
Cow Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png Cow Spawn Egg cow_spawn_egg
Creeper Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png Creeper Spawn Egg creeper_spawn_egg
Donkey Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png Donkey Spawn Egg donkey_spawn_egg
Elder Guardian Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png Elder Guardian Spawn Egg elder_guardian_spawn_egg
Enderman Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png Enderman Spawn Egg enderman_spawn_egg
Endermite Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png Endermite Spawn Egg endermite_spawn_egg
Evoker Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png Evoker Spawn Egg evoker_spawn_egg
Ghast Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png Ghast Spawn Egg ghast_spawn_egg
Guardian Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png Guardian Spawn Egg guardian_spawn_egg
Horse Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png Equus caballus Spawn Egg horse_spawn_egg
Husk Spawn Egg JE1 BE2.png Husk Spawn Egg husk_spawn_egg
Llama Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png Llama Spawn Egg llama_spawn_egg
Magma Cube Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png Magma Cube Spawn Egg magma_cube_spawn_egg
Mooshroom Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png Mooshroom Spawn Egg mooshroom_spawn_egg
Mule Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png Mule Spawn Egg mule_spawn_egg
Ocelot Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png Ocelot Spawn Egg ocelot_spawn_egg
Parrot Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png Parrot Spawn Egg parrot_spawn_egg
Pig Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png Pig Spawn Egg pig_spawn_egg
Polar Bear Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png Polar Bear Spawn Egg polar_bear_spawn_egg
Rabbit Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png Rabbit Spawn Egg rabbit_spawn_egg
Sheep Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png Sheep Spawn Egg sheep_spawn_egg
Shulker Spawn Egg JE1 BE2.png Shulker Spawn Egg shulker_spawn_egg
Silverfish Spawn Egg JE2 BE2.png Silverfish Spawn Egg silverfish_spawn_egg
Skeleton Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png Skeleton Spawn Egg skeleton_spawn_egg
Skeleton Horse Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png Skeleton Horse Spawn Egg skeleton_horse_spawn_egg
Slime Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png Slime Spawn Egg slime_spawn_egg
Spider Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png Spider Spawn Egg spider_spawn_egg
Squid Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png Squid Spawn Egg squid_spawn_egg
Stray Spawn Egg JE1 BE2.png Stray Spawn Egg stray_spawn_egg
Vex Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png Vex Spawn Egg vex_spawn_egg
Villager Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png Villager Spawn Egg villager_spawn_egg
Vindicator Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png Vindicator Spawn Egg vindicator_spawn_egg
Witch Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png Witch Spawn Egg witch_spawn_egg
Wither Skeleton Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png Wither Skeleton Spawn Egg wither_skeleton_spawn_egg
Wolf Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png Wolf Spawn Egg wolf_spawn_egg
Zombie Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png Zombie Spawn Egg zombie_spawn_egg
Zombie Horse Spawn Egg JE1 BE2.png Zombie Horse Spawn Egg zombie_horse_spawn_egg
Zombie Pigman Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png Zombie Pigman Spawn Egg zombie_pigman_spawn_egg
Zombie Villager Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png Zombie Villager Spawn Egg zombie_villager_spawn_egg
Separate Flower Pot JE3.png Blossom Pot flower_pot Flower Pot JE3.png Flower Pot flower_pot
Potted Poppy JE5.png Potted Poppy[ids note one] potted_poppy
Potted Dandelion JE4.png Potted Dandelion[ids note 1] potted_dandelion
Potted Oak Sapling JE4.png Potted Oak Sapling[ids note 1] potted_oak_sapling
Potted Spruce Sapling JE4.png Potted Bandbox Sapling[ids notation 1] potted_spruce_sapling
Potted Birch Sapling JE4.png Potted Birch Sapling[ids note 1] potted_birch_sapling
Potted Jungle Sapling JE4.png Potted Jungle Sapling[ids note 1] potted_jungle_sapling
Potted Red Mushroom JE4.png Potted Red Mushroom[ids note one] potted_red_mushroom
Potted Brown Mushroom JE4.png Potted Brown Mushroom[ids note i] potted_brown_mushroom
Potted Cactus JE7.png Potted Cactus[ids notation 1] potted_cactus
Potted Dead Bush JE4.png Potted Dead Bush[ids annotation 1] potted_dead_bush
Potted Fern JE4.png Potted Fern[ids note ane] potted_fern
Potted Acacia Sapling JE4.png Potted Acacia Sapling[ids note 1] potted_acacia_sapling
Potted Dark Oak Sapling JE4.png Potted Dark Oak Sapling[ids note 1] potted_dark_oak_sapling
Potted Blue Orchid JE4.png Potted Blueish Orchid[ids note 1] potted_blue_orchid
Potted Allium JE4.png Potted Allium[ids note 1] potted_allium
Potted Azure Bluet JE4.png Potted Azure Bluet[ids note 1] potted_azure_bluet
Potted Red Tulip JE4.png Potted Red Tulip[ids note 1] potted_red_tulip
Potted Orange Tulip JE4.png Potted Orange Tulip[ids annotation 1] potted_orange_tulip
Potted White Tulip JE4.png Potted White Tulip[ids note i] potted_white_tulip
Potted Pink Tulip JE4.png Potted Pink Tulip[ids note ane] potted_pink_tulip
Potted Oxeye Daisy JE4.png Potted Oxeye Daisy[ids note 1] potted_oxeye_daisy
Separate Player Head (8).png Head skull Skeleton Skull (8).png Skeleton Skull skeleton_skull
Skeleton Skull (8).png Skeleton Wall Skull[ids note 1] skeleton_wall_skull
Wither Skeleton Skull (8).png Wither Skeleton Skull wither_skeleton_skull
Wither Skeleton Skull (8).png Wither Skeleton Wall Skull[ids annotation i] wither_skeleton_wall_skull
Zombie Head (8).png Zombie Head zombie_head
Zombie Head (8).png Zombie Wall Head[ids note 1] zombie_wall_head
Player Head (8).png Actor Head player_head
Player Head (8).png Player Wall Head[ids note 1] player_wall_head
Creeper Head (8).png Creeper Head creeper_head
Creeper Head (8).png Creeper Wall Head[ids note ane] creeper_wall_head
Dragon Head (8).png Dragon Head dragon_head
Dragon Head (8).png Dragon Wall Head[ids note 1] dragon_wall_head
Rename Firework Rocket JE2 BE2.png Firework Rocket fireworks Firework Rocket JE2 BE2.png Firework Rocket firework_rocket
Rename Firework Star JE1 BE1.png Firework Star firework_charge Firework Star JE1 BE1.png Firework Star firework_star
Rename Nether Brick JE2 BE2.png Nether Brick netherbrick Nether Brick JE2 BE2.png Nether Brick nether_brick
Separate and merge White Banner.png Banner[ids annotation 1] standing_banner White Banner.png White Banner white_banner
Orange Banner.png Orange Imprint orange_banner
Magenta Banner.png Magenta Imprint magenta_banner
Light Blue Banner.png Light Blue Banner light_blue_banner
Yellow Banner.png Yellow Banner yellow_banner
Lime Banner.png Lime Banner lime_banner
Pink Banner.png Pink Banner pink_banner
Gray Banner.png Gray Banner gray_banner
White Banner.png Banner imprint Light Gray Banner.png Calorie-free Gray Banner light_gray_banner
Cyan Banner.png Cyan Imprint cyan_banner
Purple Banner.png Imperial Banner purple_banner
Blue Banner.png Bluish Banner blue_banner
Brown Banner.png Brown Banner brown_banner
Green Banner.png Green Banner green_banner
Red Banner.png Ruby-red Imprint red_banner
Black Banner.png Black Banner black_banner
Separate White Wall Banner.png Wall Banner[ids note 1] wall_banner White Wall Banner.png White Wall Banner[ids notation 1] white_wall_banner
Orange Wall Banner.png Orangish Wall Banner[ids note 1] orange_wall_banner
Magenta Wall Banner.png Magenta Wall Banner[ids notation one] magenta_wall_banner
Light Blue Wall Banner.png Light Blueish Wall Imprint[ids note 1] light_blue_wall_banner
Yellow Wall Banner.png Yellow Wall Imprint[ids annotation 1] yellow_wall_banner
Lime Wall Banner.png Lime Wall Banner[ids note 1] lime_wall_banner
Pink Wall Banner.png Pinkish Wall Banner[ids note 1] pink_wall_banner
Gray Wall Banner.png Gray Wall Banner[ids notation 1] gray_wall_banner
Light Gray Wall Banner.png Lite Gray Wall Banner[ids note one] light_gray_wall_banner
Cyan Wall Banner.png Cyan Wall Banner[ids annotation 1] cyan_wall_banner
Purple Wall Banner.png Purple Wall Banner[ids annotation ane] purple_wall_banner
Blue Wall Banner.png Blue Wall Banner[ids notation 1] blue_wall_banner
Brown Wall Banner.png Chocolate-brown Wall Imprint[ids note 1] brown_wall_banner
Green Wall Banner.png Light-green Wall Imprint[ids note ane] green_wall_banner
Red Wall Banner.png Red Wall Banner[ids note 1] red_wall_banner
Black Wall Banner.png Black Wall Banner[ids note 1] black_wall_banner
Rename Popped Chorus Fruit JE2 BE2.png Popped Chorus Fruit chorus_fruit_popped Popped Chorus Fruit JE2 BE2.png Popped Chorus Fruit popped_chorus_fruit
Rename Music Disc 13 JE1 BE1.png Music Disc record_13 Music Disc 13 JE1 BE1.png Music Disc music_disc_13
Rename Music Disc Cat JE1 BE1.png Music Disc record_cat Music Disc Cat JE1 BE1.png Music Disc music_disc_cat
Rename Music Disc Blocks JE1 BE1.png Music Disc record_blocks Music Disc Blocks JE1 BE1.png Music Disc music_disc_blocks
Rename Music Disc Chirp JE1 BE1.png Music Disc record_chirp Music Disc Chirp JE1 BE1.png Music Disc music_disc_chirp
Rename Music Disc Far JE1 BE1.png Music Disc record_far Music Disc Far JE1 BE1.png Music Disc music_disc_far
Rename Music Disc Mall JE1 BE1.png Music Disc record_mall Music Disc Mall JE1 BE1.png Music Disc music_disc_mall
Rename Music Disc Mellohi JE1 BE1.png Music Disc record_mellohi Music Disc Mellohi JE1 BE1.png Music Disc music_disc_mellohi
Rename Music Disc Stal JE1 BE1.png Music Disc record_stal Music Disc Stal JE1 BE1.png Music Disc music_disc_stal
Rename Music Disc Strad JE1 BE1.png Music Disc record_strad Music Disc Strad JE1 BE1.png Music Disc music_disc_strad
Rename Music Disc Ward JE1 BE1.png Music Disc record_ward Music Disc Ward JE1 BE1.png Music Disc music_disc_ward
Rename Music Disc 11 JE2 BE2.png Music Disc record_11 Music Disc 11 JE2 BE2.png Music Disc music_disc_11
Rename Music Disc Wait JE1 BE1.png Music Disc record_wait Music Disc Wait JE1 BE1.png Music Disc music_disc_wait
  1. a b c d due east f chiliad h i j k l m n o p q r due south t u five westward x y z aa ab air conditioning advert ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar every bit at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi bj bk bl bm bn bo bp bq br bs bt bu bv bw This block has no item form.

Entity IDs [ ]

Entities that change their ID in any way also affect their statistics.

Entity 1.12.two 1.13
Experience Orb.gif Experience Orb xp_orb experience_orb
Bottle o' Enchanting xp_bottle experience_bottle
Eye of Ender JE2 BE2.png Eye of Ender eye_of_ender_signal eye_of_ender
End Crystal JE2.png Cease Crystal ender_crystal end_crystal
Firework Rocket JE2 BE2.png Firework Rocket fireworks_rocket firework_rocket
Minecart with Command Block JE4.png Minecart with Command Block commandblock_minecart command_block_minecart
Snow Golem.png Snowfall Golem snowman snow_golem
Iron Golem JE2 BE2.png Iron Golem villager_golem iron_golem
Evoker Fangs.png Evoker Fangs evocation_fangs evoker_fangs
Evoker.png Evoker evocation_illager evoker
Vindicator JE3.png Vindicator vindication_illager vindicator
Illusioner.png Illusioner illusion_illager illusioner

Biome IDs [ ]

Biome 1.12.2 1.thirteen
Mountains extreme_hills mountains
Swamp swampland swamp
Nether hell nether
The End sky the_end
Snowy Tundra ice_flats snowy_tundra
Snowy Mountains ice_mountains snowy_mountains
Mushroom Fields mushroom_island mushroom_fields
Mushroom Field Shore mushroom_island_shore mushroom_field_shore
Embankment beaches beach
Wooded Hills forest_hills wooded_hills
Mountain Border smaller_extreme_hills mountain_edge
Rock Shore stone_beach stone_shore
Snowy Beach cold_beach snowy_beach
Night Forest roofed_forest dark_forest
Snowy Taiga taiga_cold snowy_taiga
Snowy Taiga Hills taiga_cold_hills snowy_taiga_hills
Giant Tree Taiga redwood_taiga giant_tree_taiga
Giant Tree Taiga Hills redwood_taiga_hills giant_tree_taiga_hills
Wooded Mountains extreme_hills_with_trees wooded_mountains
Savanna Plateau savanna_rock savanna_plateau
Badlands mesa badlands
Wooded Badlands Plateau mesa_rock wooded_badlands_plateau
Badlands Plateau mesa_clear_rock badlands_plateau
The Void void the_void
Sunflower Plains mutated_plains sunflower_plains
Desert Lakes mutated_desert desert_lakes
Gravelly Mountains mutated_extreme_hills gravelly_mountains
Flower Woods mutated_forest flower_forest
Taiga Mountains mutated_taiga taiga_mountains
Swamp Hills mutated_swampland swamp_hills
Water ice Spikes mutated_ice_flats ice_spikes
Modified Jungle mutated_jungle modified_jungle
Modified Jungle Edge mutated_jungle_edge modified_jungle_edge
Tall Birch Forest mutated_birch_forest tall_birch_forest
Alpine Birch Hills mutated_birch_forest_hills tall_birch_hills
Dark Wood Hills mutated_roofed_forest dark_forest_hills
Snowy Taiga Mountains mutated_taiga_cold snowy_taiga_mountains
Giant Spruce Taiga mutated_redwood_taiga giant_spruce_taiga
Behemothic Spruce Taiga Hills mutated_redwood_taiga_hills giant_spruce_taiga_hills
Gravelly Mountains+ mutated_extreme_hills_with_trees modified_gravelly_mountains
Shattered Savanna mutated_savanna shattered_savanna
Shattered Savanna Plateau mutated_savanna_rock shattered_savanna_plateau
Eroded Badlands mutated_mesa eroded_badlands
Modified Wooded Badlands Plateau mutated_mesa_rock modified_wooded_badlands_plateau
Modified Badlands Plateau mutated_mesa_clear_rock modified_badlands_plateau

Particle IDs [ ]

Particle IDs became namespaced (minecraft: in front) also as changed the ID.

Modify 1.12.2 1.thirteen
Rename angryVillager angry_villager
Merge blockdust block
Rename damageIndicator damage_indicator
Remove depthsuspend
Rename dragonbreath dragon_breath
Rename dripLava dripping_lava
Rename dripWater dripping_water
Rename droplet pelting
Rename enchantmenttable enchant
Rename endRod end_rod
Merge explode poof
Rename fallingdust falling_dust
Rename fireworksSpark firework
Remove footstep
Rename happyVillager happy_villager
Rename hugeexplosion explosion_emitter
Rename iconcrack item
Rename instantSpell instant_effect
Rename largeexplosion explosion
Rename largesmoke large_smoke
Rename magicCrit enchanted_hit
Rename mobappearance elder_guardian
Rename mobSpell entity_effect
Rename mobSpellAmbient ambient_entity_effect
Rename reddust grit
Rename slime item_slime
Rename snowballpoof item_snowball
Rename spell effect
Rename suspended underwater
Rename sweepAttack sweep_attack
Remove have
Rename totem totem_of_undying
Rename townaura mycelium
Rename wake angling
Rename witchMagic witch

Audio events [ ]

Some sound events were modified.

1.12.2 one.13
cake.textile.break block.wool.break
block.material.fall block.wool.fall
block.cloth.hit block.wool.hit
block.material.step block.wool.step
block.enderchest.close block.ender_chest.close
block.metal_pressureplate.click_off block.metal_pressure_plate.click_off
block.metal_pressureplate.click_on block.metal_pressure_plate.click_on
block.annotation.basedrum block.note_block.basedrum
block.note.bass cake.note_block.bass
block.note.bong block.note_block.bell
block.note.chime block.note_block.chime
block.note.flute block.note_block.flute
block.notation.guitar block.note_block.guitar
block.notation.harp block.note_block.harp
block.note.hat block.note_block.hat
cake.notation.pling block.note_block.pling
block.annotation.snare cake.note_block.snare
block.note.xylophone block.note_block.xylophone
block.slime.break block.slime_block.pause
cake.slime.fall block.slime_block.fall
block.slime.hit cake.slime_block.hit cake.slime_block.identify
cake.slime.step cake.slime_block.stride
block.stone_pressureplate.click_off block.stone_pressure_plate.click_off
block.stone_pressureplate.click_on block.stone_pressure_plate.click_on
cake.wood_pressureplate.click_off block.wooden_pressure_plate.click_off
cake.wood_button.click_on block.wooden_button.click_on
cake.wood_button.click_off block.wooden_button.click_off
cake.wood_pressureplate.click_on cake.wooden_pressure_plate.click_on
entity.armorstand.break entity.armor_stand.break
entity.armorstand.autumn entity.armor_stand.fall
entity.armorstand.striking entity.armor_stand.hit
entity.bobber.retrieve entity.fishing_bobber.retrieve
entity.bobber.splash entity.fishing_bobber.splash
entity.bobber.throw entity.fishing_bobber.throw
entity.enderdragon.ambience entity.ender_dragon.ambient
entity.enderdragon.death entity.ender_dragon.expiry
entity.enderdragon.flap entity.ender_dragon.flap
entity.enderdragon.growl entity.ender_dragon.growl
entity.enderdragon.hurt entity.ender_dragon.injure
entity.enderdragon.shoot entity.ender_dragon.shoot
entity.enderdragon_fireball.explode entity.dragon_fireball.explode
entity.endereye.death entity.ender_eye.death
entity.endereye.launch entity.ender_eye.launch
entity.endermen.ambient entity.enderman.ambient
entity.endermen.death entity.enderman.decease
entity.endermen.hurt entity.enderman.hurt
entity.endermen.scream entity.enderman.scream
entity.endermen.stare entity.enderman.stare
entity.endermen.teleport entity.enderman.teleport
entity.enderpearl.throw entity.ender_pearl.throw
entity.evocation_illager.ambient entity.evoker.ambient
entity.evocation_illager.cast_spell entity.evoker.cast_spell
entity.evocation_illager.decease entity.evoker.death
entity.evocation_illager.hurt entity.evoker.hurt
entity.evocation_illager.prepare_attack entity.evoker.prepare_attack
entity.evocation_illager.prepare_summon entity.evoker.prepare_summon
entity.evocation_illager.prepare_wololo entity.evoker.prepare_wololo
entity.firework.blast entity.firework_rocket.blast
entity.firework.blast_far entity.firework_rocket.blast_far
entity.firework.large_blast entity.firework_rocket.large_blast
entity.firework.large_blast_far entity.firework_rocket.large_blast_far
entity.firework.launch entity.firework_rocket.launch
entity.firework.shoot entity.firework_rocket.shoot
entity.firework.twinkle entity.firework_rocket.twinkle
entity.firework.twinkle_far entity.firework_rocket.twinkle_far
entity.illusion_illager.ambient entity.illusioner.ambient
entity.illusion_illager.cast_spell entity.illusioner.cast_spell
entity.illusion_illager.death entity.illusioner.death
entity.illusion_illager.injure entity.illusioner.hurt
entity.illusion_illager.mirror_move entity.illusioner.mirror_move
entity.illusion_illager.prepare_blindness entity.illusioner.prepare_blindness
entity.illusion_illager.prepare_mirror entity.illusioner.prepare_mirror
entity.irongolem.set on entity.iron_golem.attack
entity.irongolem.death entity.iron_golem.death
entity.irongolem.hurt entity.iron_golem.hurt
entity.irongolem.step entity.iron_golem.step
entity.itemframe.add_item entity.item_frame.add_item
entity.itemframe.break entity.item_frame.break
entity.itemframe.remove_item entity.item_frame.remove_item
entity.itemframe.rotate_item entity.item_frame.rotate_item
entity.leashknot.break entity.leash_knot.break
entity.lightning.impact entity.lightning_bolt.impact
entity.lightning.thunder entity.lightning_bolt.thunder
entity.lingeringpotion.throw entity.lingering_potion.throw
entity.magmacube.decease entity.magma_cube.death
entity.magmacube.hurt entity.magma_cube.injure
entity.magmacube.bound entity.magma_cube.spring
entity.magmacube.squish entity.magma_cube.squish
entity.parrot.imitate.enderdragon entity.parrot.imitate.ender_dragon
entity.parrot.imitate.evocation_illager entity.parrot.imitate.evoker
entity.parrot.imitate.illusion_illager entity.parrot.imitate.illusioner
entity.parrot.imitate.magmacube entity.parrot.imitate.magma_cube
entity.parrot.imitate.vindication_illager entity.parrot.imitate.vindicator
entity.player.splash.highspeed entity.player.splash.high_speed
entity.polar_bear.baby_ambient entity.polar_bear.ambient_baby
entity.small_magmacube.death entity.magma_cube.death_small
entity.small_magmacube.injure entity.magma_cube.hurt_small
entity.small_magmacube.squish entity.magma_cube.squish_small
entity.small_slime.death entity.slime.death_small
entity.small_slime.injure entity.slime.hurt_small
entity.small_slime.leap entity.slime.jump_small
entity.small_slime.squish entity.slime.squish_small
entity.snowman.ambient entity.snow_golem.ambient
entity.snowman.decease entity.snow_golem.expiry
entity.snowman.injure entity.snow_golem.injure
entity.snowman.shoot entity.snow_golem.shoot
entity.vindication_illager.ambient entity.vindicator.ambient
entity.vindication_illager.death entity.vindicator.decease
entity.vindication_illager.hurt entity.vindicator.hurt
entity.zombie.attack_door_wood entity.zombie.attack_wooden_door
entity.zombie.break_door_wood entity.zombie.break_wooden_door
entity.zombie_pig.ambience entity.zombie_pigman.ambience
entity.zombie_pig.angry entity.zombie_pigman.angry
entity.zombie_pig.death entity.zombie_pigman.death
entity.zombie_pig.hurt entity.zombie_pigman.hurt
tape.11 music_disc.11
tape.thirteen music_disc.13
record.blocks music_disc.blocks music_disc.true cat
record.chirp music_disc.chirp
record.far music_disc.far
record.mall music_disc.mall
record.mellohi music_disc.mellohi
record.stal music_disc.stal
record.strad music_disc.strad
record.wait music_disc.look
record.ward music_disc.ward

Block states [ ]

Some block states were modified.

ane.12.2 1.13
Block States Block States
Stone.png Rock variant Stone.png Stone
Dirt.png Clay variant
Dirt.png Dirt

Coarse Dirt.png Coarse Dirt

Podzol.png Podzol snowy
Oak Planks.png Planks variant Oak Planks.png Planks
Oak Sapling JE14.png Sapling type Oak Sapling JE14.png Sapling
Sand JE5 BE3.png Sand variant Sand JE5 BE3.png Sand
Oak Log (UD) JE5 BE3.png Log variant
Oak Log (UD) JE5 BE3.png Log

Oak Wood (UD) JE5 BE2.png Wood

Acacia Log.png Log (2)
Oak Leaves.png Leaves variant


Oak Leaves.png Leaves distance=1-7
Acacia Leaves.png Leaves (2)
Sponge JE3 BE3.png Sponge wet Sponge JE3 BE3.png Sponge
Sandstone JE6 BE3.png Sandstone blazon Sandstone JE6 BE3.png Sandstone
Note Block JE2 BE2.png Note Block Note Block JE2 BE2.png Note Block note=0-24
Grass JE7.png Grass type Grass JE7.png Grass
Piston (U) JE3.png Moving Piston extended Piston (U) JE3.png Moving Piston blazon=normal|viscid
White Wool JE2 BE2.png Wool color White Wool JE2 BE2.png Wool
Dandelion JE8 BE2.png Dandelion type Poppy JE8 BE2.png Flower
Poppy JE8 BE2.png Bloom
Oak Planks.png Double Wooden Slab variant Oak Slab JE5 BE2.png Wooden Slab blazon=tiptop|lesser|double
Oak Slab JE5 BE2.png Wooden Slab variant
Double Smooth Stone Slab JE2 BE2.png Double Stone Slab variant
Smooth Stone Slab JE2 BE2.png Rock Slab blazon=top|bottom|double
Smooth Stone Slab JE2 BE2.png Rock Slab variant
Red Sandstone JE4 BE2.png Double Scarlet Sandstone Slab variant
Red Sandstone Slab JE4 BE2.png Red Sandstone Slab type=pinnacle|bottom|double
Red Sandstone Slab JE4 BE2.png Red Sandstone Slab variant
Purpur Block JE2 BE2.png Double Purpur Slab variant Purpur Slab JE2 BE2.png Purpur Slab blazon=top|bottom|double
Purpur Slab JE2 BE2.png Purpur Slab variant
TNT JE3 BE2.png TNT explode TNT JE3 BE2.png TNT
Torch JE6 BE2.png Torch facing=north|e|south|west|upwards Wall Torch (S) JE7.png Wall Torch facing=northward|southward|east|w
Torch JE6 BE2.png Torch
Chest (S) JE2.png Chest Chest (S) JE2.png Breast type=single|left|right
Furnace (S) JE4.png Furnace Furnace (S) JE4.png Furnace lit=truthful|false
Lit Furnace (S) JE4.png Lit Furnace
Wall Lever (S) JE5 BE2.png Lever facing=n|east|south|westward|
Wall Lever (S) JE5 BE2.png Lever face=ceiling|wall|floor
Redstone Ore JE4 BE3.png Redstone Ore Redstone Ore JE4 BE3.png Redstone Ore lit=truthful|false
Lit Redstone Ore.png Lit Redstone Ore
Unlit Redstone Torch JE4.png Unlit Redstone Torch facing=north|east|s|west|up Redstone Wall Torch (S) JE5.png Redstone Wall Torch lit=true|false
Redstone Torch JE4.png Redstone Torch Redstone Torch JE4.png Redstone Torch lit=true|false
Stone Button (S) JE5 BE2.png Rock Button facing=n|east|south|west|up|down Stone Button (S) JE5 BE2.png Rock Button confront=ceiling|wall|floor
Oak Trapdoor JE4 BE2.png Oak Trapdoor Oak Trapdoor JE4 BE2.png Oak Trapdoor powered=true|false
Stone.png Infested Block variant Stone.png Infested Block
Stone Bricks JE3 BE2.png Stone Bricks variant Stone Bricks JE3 BE2.png Stone Bricks
Brown Mushroom Block (ESU) JE2 BE2.png Dark-brown Mushroom Block variant Brown Mushroom Block (ESU) JE2 BE2.png Chocolate-brown Mushroom Block up=truthful|fake
due south=true|fake
Mushroom Stem (ESU) JE2 BE2.png Mushroom Stem


Red Mushroom Block (ESU) JE2 BE2.png Scarlet Mushroom Block variant
Red Mushroom Block (ESU) JE2 BE2.png Red Mushroom Block up=true|false
Redstone Lamp JE3 BE2.png Redstone Lamp Redstone Lamp JE3 BE2.png Redstone Lamp lit=true|false
Lit Redstone Lamp JE3 BE2.png Lit Redstone Lamp
Cobblestone Wall JE2 BE2.png Cobblestone Wall variant Cobblestone Wall JE2 BE2.png Cobblestone Wall
Oak Button (S) JE4.png Oak Button facing=north|east|s|west|upward|down Oak Button (S) JE4.png Oak Button face=ceiling|wall|floor
Anvil (N) JE3.png Anvil damage Anvil (N) JE3.png Anvil
Trapped Chest.png Trapped Breast Trapped Chest.png Trapped Chest blazon=single|left|right
Daylight Detector JE1 BE1.png Daylight Detector Daylight Detector JE1 BE1.png Daylight Detector inverted=true|false
Block of Quartz JE4 BE2.png Block of Quartz variant Block of Quartz JE4 BE2.png Cake of Quartz
Chiseled Quartz Block (UD) JE2 BE2.png Chiseled Quartz Cake
Quartz Pillar (UD) JE3 BE2.png Quartz Pillar axis=ten|y|z
White Terracotta JE1 BE1.png Colored Terra cotta color White Terracotta JE1 BE1.png Colored Terracotta
Iron Trapdoor JE3 BE2.png Iron Trapdoor Iron Trapdoor JE3 BE2.png Iron Trapdoor powered=true|false
White Carpet.png Carpet color White Carpet.png Carpet
Double Found facing
Double Establish
White Stained Glass JE3 BE3.png Stained Drinking glass color White Stained Glass JE3 BE3.png Stained Glass
White Stained Glass Pane JE3 BE2.png Stained Glass Pane colour White Stained Glass Pane JE3 BE2.png Stained Glass Pane
Prismarine JE2 BE2.png Prismarine variant Prismarine JE2 BE2.png Prismarine
Red Sandstone JE4 BE2.png Scarlet Sandstone variant Red Sandstone JE4 BE2.png Red Sandstone
White Concrete.png Concrete color White Concrete.png Concrete
White Concrete Powder.png Concrete Pulverisation color White Concrete Powder.png Physical Powder
Redstone Repeater (S) JE4 BE1.png Unpowered Redstone Repeater Redstone Repeater (S) JE5 BE2.png Redstone Repeater powered=truthful|simulated
Powered Redstone Repeater (S) JE7.png Powered Redstone Repeater
Pumpkin Stem Age 7 JE7.png Pumpkin Stem age
facing=north|due south|eastward|westward|upwards
Pumpkin Stem Age 7 JE7.png Pumpkin Stem age
Attached Pumpkin Stem (W) JE5.png Attached Pumpkin Stalk facing=n|south|due east|west
Stem Age 7 JE6.png Melon Stem age
Stem Age 7 JE6.png Melon Stem age
Attached Melon Stem (W) JE5.png Attached Melon Stalk facing=north|south|east|west
Flower Pot JE3.png Bloom Pot legacy_data
Flower Pot JE3.png Flower Pot
Player Head (8).png Head facing=northward|east|southward|west|upward|down
Skeleton Skull (8).png Skeleton Skull

Wither Skeleton Skull (8).png Wither Skeleton Skull

Zombie Head (8).png Zombie Head

Player Head (8).png Player Caput

Creeper Head (8).png Creeper Head

Dragon Head (8).png Dragon Head

Skeleton Skull (8).png Skeleton Wall Skull

Wither Skeleton Skull (8).png Wither Skeleton Wall Skull

Zombie Head (8).png Zombie Wall Head

Player Head (8).png Actor Wall Caput

Creeper Head (8).png Creeper Wall Caput

Dragon Head (8).png Dragon Wall Head

facing=north|e|south|due west

Painting motifs [ ]

Painting motifs became namespaced (minecraft: in front end) equally well as changed the ID to be uncapitalised and separated with underscores.

Painting 1.12.2 ane.xiii
Kebab (texture) JE1 BE1.png Kebab kebab
Aztec (texture) JE1 BE1.png Aztec aztec
Alban (texture) JE1 BE1.png Alban alban
Aztec2 (texture) JE1 BE1.png Aztec2 aztec2
Bomb (texture) JE1 BE1.png Bomb bomb
Plant (texture) JE1 BE1.png Constitute establish
Wasteland (texture) JE1 BE1.png Wasteland wasteland
Wanderer (texture) JE1 BE1.png Wanderer wanderer
Graham (texture) JE1 BE1.png Graham graham
Pool (texture) JE1 BE1.png Pool pool
Courbet (texture) JE1 BE1.png Courbet courbet
Sunset (texture) JE1 BE1.png Sunset sunset
Sea (texture) JE2 BE1.png Sea sea
Creebet (texture) JE1 BE1.png Creebet creebet
Match (texture) JE1 BE1.png Match match
Bust (texture) JE1 BE1.png Bosom bosom
Stage (texture) JE2 BE1.png Stage stage
Void (texture) JE1 BE1.png Void void
Skull and Roses (texture) JE1 BE1.png SkullAndRoses skull_and_roses
Wither (painting texture) JE1 BE1.png Wither wither
Fighters (texture) JE1 BE1.png Fighters fighters
Skeleton (painting texture) JE1 BE1.png Skeleton skeleton
Donkey Kong (texture) JE1 BE1.png DonkeyKong donkey_kong
Pointer (texture) JE1 BE1.png Pointer pointer
Pigscene (texture) JE1 BE1.png Pigscene pigscene
Burning Skull (texture) JE2 BE1.png BurningSkull burning_skull

Names [ ]

The names of some blocks and items were changed.

1.12.2 ane.13
Oak Planks.png Oak Wood Planks Oak Planks
Spruce Planks JE4 BE2.png Spruce Forest Planks Spruce Planks
Birch Planks.png Birch Wood Planks Birch Planks
Jungle Planks JE3 BE2.png Jungle Wood Planks Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks.png Acacia Wood Planks Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks JE3 BE2.png Dark Oak Forest Planks Dark Oak Planks
Oak Log (UD) JE5 BE3.png Oak Wood Oak Log
Spruce Log (UD) JE5 BE3.png Spruce Wood Spruce Log
Birch Log (UD) JE5 BE3.png Birch Forest Birch Log
Jungle Log (UD) JE6 BE3.png Jungle Woods Jungle Log
Acacia Log.png Acacia Wood Acacia Log
Dark Oak Log (UD) JE6.png Dark Oak Woods Dark Oak Log
Cut Sandstone JE5 BE2.png Smooth Sandstone Cut Sandstone
Piston Head (U) JE3.png Piston Piston Head
Piston (U) JE3.png Moving Piston
Brown Mushroom JE9.png Mushroom Dark-brown Mushroom
Red Mushroom JE9.png Mushroom Red Mushroom
Oak Slab JE5 BE2.png Oak Wood Slab Oak Slab
Spruce Slab JE4 BE2.png Spruce Forest Slab Spruce Slab
Birch Slab JE3 BE2.png Birch Wood Slab Birch Slab
Jungle Slab JE3 BE2.png Jungle Wood Slab Jungle Slab
Acacia Slab.png Acacia Forest Slab Acacia Slab
Dark Oak Slab JE3 BE2.png Dark Oak Woods Slab Dark Oak Slab
Oak Slab JE5 BE2.png Wooden Slab Petrified Oak Slab
Brick Slab JE3 BE2.png Bricks Slab Brick Slab
Stone Brick Slab JE3 BE2.png Stone Bricks Slab Rock Brick Slab
Smooth Stone JE2 BE2.png Stone Slab Smooth Stone
Smooth Sandstone.png Stone Slab Polish Sandstone
Smooth Quartz Block JE3 BE2.png Rock Slab Smooth Quartz
Smooth Red Sandstone.png Rock Slab Shine Red Sandstone
Mossy Cobblestone JE4 BE2.png Moss Stone Mossy Cobblestone
Spawner JE3.png Monster Spawner Spawner
Nether Portal (EW) JE5.png Portal Under Portal
Wall Torch (S) JE7.png Torch (on a wall) Wall Torch
Oak Stairs (N) JE7 BE6.png Oak Wood Stairs Oak Stairs
Oak Pressure Plate JE5 BE2.png Wooden Force per unit area Plate Oak Pressure Plate
Redstone Wall Torch (S) JE5.png Redstone Torch (on a wall) Redstone Wall Torch
Stone Button (S) JE5 BE2.png Button Stone Button
Snow Block JE2 BE2.png Snow Snow Block
Carved Pumpkin (S) JE5.png Pumpkin Carved Pumpkin
Oak Trapdoor JE4 BE2.png Wooden Trapdoor Oak Trapdoor
Stone.png Stone Monster Egg Infested Stone
Cobblestone.png Cobblestone Monster Egg Infested Asphalt
Stone Bricks JE3 BE2.png Stone Bricks Monster Egg Infested Rock Bricks
Mossy Stone Bricks JE3 BE2.png Mossy Rock Brick Monster Egg Infested Mossy Stone Bricks
Cracked Stone Bricks JE3 BE2.png Cracked Stone Brick Monster Egg Infested Cracked Stone Bricks
Chiseled Stone Bricks JE3 BE2.png Chiseled Stone Brick Monster Egg Infested Chiseled Rock Bricks
Brown Mushroom Block (ESU) JE2 BE2.png Mushroom Brown Mushroom Cake
Red Mushroom Block (ESU) JE2 BE2.png Mushroom Red Mushroom Cake
Nether Bricks JE3 BE4.png Nether Brick Nether Bricks
Enchanting Table JE4 BE2.png Enchantment Table Enchanting Table
End Portal Frame (S) JE6 BE3.png End Portal End Portal Frame
End Portal.png Stop Portal
End Gateway JE2 BE1.png End Gateway
Spruce Stairs (N) JE5 BE2.png Spruce Woods Stairs Spruce Stairs
Birch Stairs (N) JE4 BE2.png Birch Wood Stairs Birch Stairs
Jungle Stairs (N) JE4 BE2.png Jungle Wood Stairs Jungle Stairs
Oak Button (S) JE4.png Button Oak Button
Chipped Anvil (N) JE3.png Slightly Damaged Anvil Chipped Anvil
Damaged Anvil (N) JE3.png Very Damaged Anvil Damaged Anvil
Light Weighted Pressure Plate JE3 BE2.png Weighted Pressure level Plate (Light) Low-cal Weighted Pressure level Plate
Heavy Weighted Pressure Plate JE2 BE2.png Weighted Pressure Plate (Heavy) Heavy Weighted Pressure level Plate
Daylight Detector JE1 BE1.png Daylight Sensor Daylight Detector
Quartz Pillar (UD) JE3 BE2.png Pillar Quartz Cake Quartz Colonnade
Acacia Stairs.png Acacia Wood Stairs Acacia Stairs
Dark Oak Stairs (N) JE4 BE2.png Dark Oak Wood Stairs Dark Oak Stairs
Tall Grass JE4.png Double Tallgrass Alpine Grass
Cut Red Sandstone JE4 BE2.png Smooth Red Sandstone Cut Red Sandstone
Red Nether Bricks JE3 BE2.png Cherry Nether Brick Red Nether Bricks
Wheat Seeds JE1 BE1.png Seeds Wheat Seeds
Wheat Age 7 JE10.png Crops Wheat Crops
Chainmail Helmet (item) JE2 BE2.png Chain Helmet Chainmail Helmet
Chainmail Chestplate (item) JE2 BE2.png Chain Chestplate Chainmail Chestplate
Chainmail Leggings (item) JE2 BE2.png Concatenation Leggings Chainmail Leggings
Chainmail Boots (item) JE2 BE2.png Chain Boots Chainmail Boots
Enchanted Golden Apple JE2 BE2.gif Gilt Apple Enchanted Golden Apple tree
Oak Wall Sign (S) JE2 BE2.png Sign (on a wall) Wall Sign
Redstone Dust JE2 BE2.png Redstone Redstone Grit
Milk Bucket JE2 BE2.png Milk Milk Bucket
Sugar Cane JE2 BE2.png Sugar Canes Sugar Cane
Raw Cod JE4 BE2.png Raw Fish Raw Cod
Tropical Fish JE2 BE2.png Clownfish Tropical Fish
Cooked Cod JE4 BE3.png Cooked Fish Cooked Cod
Melon Slice JE2 BE2.png Melon Melon Slice
Attached Pumpkin Stem (W) JE5.png Pumpkin Stem Fastened Pumpkin Stem
Stem Age 7 JE6.png Pumpkin Stalk[names annotation 1] Melon Stem
Attached Melon Stem (W) JE5.png Pumpkin Stem [names note 1] Attached Melon Stem
Glistering Melon Slice JE3 BE2.png Glistering Melon Glistering Melon Slice
Bat Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png Spawn Bat Bat Spawn Egg
Blaze Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png Spawn Bonfire Blaze Spawn Egg
Cave Spider Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png Spawn Cave Spider Cave Spider Spawn Egg
Chicken Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png Spawn Chicken Chicken Spawn Egg
Cow Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png Spawn Moo-cow Moo-cow Spawn Egg
Creeper Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png Spawn Creeper Creeper Spawn Egg
Donkey Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png Spawn Donkey Donkey Spawn Egg
Elder Guardian Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png Spawn Elder Guardian Elder Guardian Spawn Egg
Enderman Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png Spawn Enderman Enderman Spawn Egg
Endermite Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png Spawn Endermite Endermite Spawn Egg
Evoker Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png Spawn Evoker Evoker Spawn Egg
Ghast Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png Spawn Ghast Ghast Spawn Egg
Guardian Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png Spawn Guardian Guardian Spawn Egg
Horse Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png Spawn Horse Equus caballus Spawn Egg
Husk Spawn Egg JE1 BE2.png Spawn Husk Husk Spawn Egg
Llama Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png Spawn Llama Llama Spawn Egg
Magma Cube Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png Spawn Magma Cube Magma Cube Spawn Egg
Mooshroom Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png Spawn Mooshroom Mooshroom Spawn Egg
Mule Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png Spawn Mule Mule Spawn Egg
Ocelot Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png Spawn Ocelot Ocelot Spawn Egg
Parrot Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png Spawn Parrot Parrot Spawn Egg
Pig Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png Spawn Hog Pig Spawn Egg
Polar Bear Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png Spawn Polar Carry Polar Bear Spawn Egg
Rabbit Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png Spawn Rabbit Rabbit Spawn Egg
Sheep Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png Spawn Sheep Sheep Spawn Egg
Shulker Spawn Egg JE1 BE2.png Spawn Shulker Shulker Spawn Egg
Silverfish Spawn Egg JE2 BE2.png Spawn Silverfish Silverfish Spawn Egg
Skeleton Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png Spawn Skeleton Skeleton Spawn Egg
Skeleton Horse Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png Spawn Skeleton Horse Skeleton Equus caballus Spawn Egg
Slime Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png Spawn Slime Slime Spawn Egg
Spider Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png Spawn Spider Spider Spawn Egg
Squid Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png Spawn Squid Squid Spawn Egg
Stray Spawn Egg JE1 BE2.png Spawn Stray Stray Spawn Egg
Vex Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png Spawn Vex Vex Spawn Egg
Villager Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png Spawn Villager Villager Spawn Egg
Vindicator Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png Spawn Vindicator Vindicator Spawn Egg
Witch Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png Spawn Witch Witch Spawn Egg
Wither Skeleton Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png Spawn Wither Skeleton Wither Skeleton Spawn Egg
Wolf Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png Spawn Wolf Wolf Spawn Egg
Zombie Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png Spawn Zombie Zombie Spawn Egg
Zombie Horse Spawn Egg JE1 BE2.png Spawn Zombie Equus caballus Zombie Horse Spawn Egg
Zombie Pigman Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png Spawn Zombie Pigman Zombie Pigman Spawn Egg
Zombie Villager Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png Spawn Zombie Villager Zombie Villager Spawn Egg
Potted Poppy JE5.png Flower Pot Potted Poppy
Potted Dandelion JE4.png Bloom Pot Potted Dandelion
Potted Oak Sapling JE4.png Flower Pot Potted Oak Sapling
Potted Spruce Sapling JE4.png Flower Pot Potted Spruce Sapling
Potted Birch Sapling JE4.png Flower Pot Potted Birch Sapling
Potted Jungle Sapling JE4.png Bloom Pot Potted Jungle Sapling
Potted Red Mushroom JE4.png Flower Pot Potted Cerise Mushroom
Potted Brown Mushroom JE4.png Flower Pot Potted Dark-brown Mushroom
Potted Cactus JE7.png Blossom Pot Potted Cactus
Potted Dead Bush JE4.png Flower Pot Potted Dead Bush-league
Potted Fern JE4.png Flower Pot Potted Fern
Potted Acacia Sapling JE4.png Blossom Pot Potted Acacia Sapling
Potted Dark Oak Sapling JE4.png Flower Pot Potted Dark Oak Sapling
Potted Blue Orchid JE4.png Bloom Pot Potted Bluish Orchid
Potted Allium JE4.png Flower Pot Potted Allium
Potted Azure Bluet JE4.png Flower Pot Potted Azure Bluet
Potted Red Tulip JE4.png Flower Pot Potted Blood-red Tulip
Potted Orange Tulip JE4.png Blossom Pot Potted Orangish Tulip
Potted White Tulip JE4.png Blossom Pot Potted White Tulip
Potted Pink Tulip JE4.png Blossom Pot Potted Pinkish Tulip
Potted Oxeye Daisy JE4.png Flower Pot Potted Oxeye Daisy
Player Head (8).png Head (item) Player Caput
Skeleton Skull (8).png (block, on the footing) Skeleton Skull
Skeleton Skull (8).png (block, on a wall) Skeleton Wall Skull
Wither Skeleton Skull (8).png (block, on the ground) Wither Skeleton Skull
Wither Skeleton Skull (8).png tile.skull.skeleton.proper name (block, on a wall) Wither Skeleton Wall Skull
Zombie Head (8).png tile.skull.skeleton.proper noun (block, on the ground) Zombie Head
Zombie Head (8).png (block, on a wall) Zombie Wall Caput
Player Head (8).png (block, on the ground) Player Head
Player Head (8).png (block, on a wall) Player Wall Head
Creeper Head (8).png (block, on the ground) Creeper Caput
Creeper Head (8).png (block, on a wall) Creeper Wall Head
Dragon Head (8).png tile.skull.skeleton.proper noun (block, on the footing) Dragon Head
Dragon Head (8).png (block, on a wall) Dragon Wall Head
Golden Horse Armor JE4 BE3.png Gold Equus caballus Armor Golden Horse Armor
Orange Banner.png White Banner (block, on the footing) Orange Banner
Magenta Banner.png White Imprint (cake, on the ground) Magenta Banner
Light Blue Banner.png White Banner (block, on the ground) Light Blue Banner
Yellow Banner.png White Banner (block, on the footing) Yellowish Banner
Lime Banner.png White Banner (block, on the basis) Lime Banner
Pink Banner.png White Banner (block, on the footing) Pinkish Banner
Gray Banner.png White Banner (cake, on the ground) Gray Banner
Light Gray Banner.png White Banner (cake, on the ground) Light Gray Imprint
Cyan Banner.png White Banner (cake, on the basis) Cyan Banner
Purple Banner.png White Banner (cake, on the footing) Majestic Banner
Blue Banner.png White Banner (block, on the ground) Blue Banner
Brown Banner.png White Imprint (cake, on the ground) Brown Banner
Green Banner.png White Banner (block, on the ground) Greenish Banner
Red Banner.png White Banner (cake, on the ground) Red Banner
Black Banner.png White Imprint (cake, on the ground) Blackness Banner
White Wall Banner.png White Banner (block, on a wall) White Imprint[names note 2]
Orange Wall Banner.png White Imprint (cake, on a wall) Orange Banner[names annotation 2]
Magenta Wall Banner.png White Banner (block, on a wall) Magenta Banner[names note 2]
Light Blue Wall Banner.png White Banner (block, on a wall) Calorie-free Blue Banner[names note two]
Yellow Wall Banner.png White Banner (block, on a wall) Yellow Banner[names annotation 2]
Lime Wall Banner.png White Banner (block, on a wall) Lime Banner[names note 2]
Pink Wall Banner.png White Imprint (cake, on a wall) Pink Imprint[names notation 2]
Gray Wall Banner.png White Imprint (block, on a wall) Grey Banner[names note 2]
Light Gray Wall Banner.png White Banner (block, on a wall) Light Gray Imprint[names note 2]
Cyan Wall Banner.png White Imprint (block, on a wall) Cyan Imprint[names notation two]
Purple Wall Banner.png White Imprint (block, on a wall) Majestic Banner[names notation 2]
Blue Wall Banner.png White Banner (cake, on a wall) Blue Banner[names note 2]
Brown Wall Banner.png White Banner (block, on a wall) Chocolate-brown Banner[names note 2]
Green Wall Banner.png White Imprint (block, on a wall) Green Imprint[names note 2]
Red Wall Banner.png White Banner (block, on a wall) Reddish Imprint[names note 2]
Black Wall Banner.png White Banner (block, on a wall) Black Imprint[names note 2]
Extreme Hills Mountains
Swampland Swamp
DesertHills Desert Hills
ForestHills Wooded Hills
FrozenOcean Frozen Ocean
FrozenRiver Frozen River
Ice Plains Snowy Tundra
Ice Mountains Snowy Mountains
MushroomIsland Mushroom Fields
MushroomIslandShore Mushroom Field Shore
TaigaHills Taiga Hills
Extreme Hills Edge Mount Border
Hell Nether
JungleEdge Jungle Border
JungleHills Jungle Hills
Stone Beach Stone Shore
Cold Beach Snowy Beach
Roofed Wood Dark Forest
Cold Taiga Snowy Taiga
Common cold Taiga Hills Snowy Taiga Hills
Mega Taiga Behemothic Tree Taiga
Mega Taiga Hills Giant Tree Taiga Hills
Extreme Hills+ Wooded Mountains
Mesa Badlands
Mesa Plateau F Wooded Badlands Plateau
Mesa Plateau Badlands Plateau
Desert Yard Desert Lakes
Farthermost Hills M Gravelly Mountains
Taiga M Taiga Mountains
Swampland M Swamp Hills
Ice Plains Spikes Ice Spikes
Jungle M Modified Jungle
JungleEdge 1000 Modified Jungle Border
Birch Forest M Alpine Birch Forest
Birch Forest Hills M Tall Birch Hills
Roofed Forest G Nighttime Forest Hills
Cold Taiga M Snowy Taiga Mountains
Mega Spruce Taiga Behemothic Bandbox Taiga
Redwood Taiga Hills Behemothic Bandbox Taiga Hills
Extreme Hills+ M Gravelly Mountains+
Savanna Thou Shattered Savanna
Savanna Plateau M Shattered Savanna Plateau
Mesa (Bryce) Eroded Badlands
Mesa Plateau F Thou Modified Wooded Badlands Plateau
Mesa Plateau K Modified Badlands Plateau
  1. a b This is actually the melon stalk, it used the same translation string every bit pumpkin stems.
  2. a b c d e f g h i j k l m north o p These translation strings were originally missing, come across MC-122579; now they use the same translation strings as continuing banners (rather than their own), see MC-124142

Statistics [ ]

Statistics received the following changes:

  • Merged the blocks and items tabs.
  • Inverse to exist namespaced.
Statistics type 1.12 syntax 1.13 syntax Remarks
Everything under the "General" tab stat.<argument> minecraft.custom:minecraft.<argument> <argument> became lowercased and separated with underscores
Mined blocks stat.mineBlock.<argument> minecraft.mined:<namespace>.<block_id> <argument> was before either the numeral ID or namespace.block_id
Cleaved items stat.breakItem.<argument> minecraft.broken:<namespace>.<item_id> <statement> was before either the numeral ID or namespace.block_id
Dropped items stat.drib.<argument> minecraft.dropped:<namespace>.<item_id> <argument> was before either the numeral ID or namespace.block_id
Used items stat.useItem.<statement> minecraft.used:<namespace>.<item_id> <statement> was before either the numeral ID or namespace.block_id
Killed entities stat.killEntity.<argument> minecraft.killed:<namespace>.<entity_id> <statement> was the pre-1.eleven entity ID
  • Now exists for all entities, not just entities with spawn eggs
Killed by entities stat.entityKilledBy.<argument> minecraft.killed_by:<namespace>.<entity_id> <argument> was the pre-1.11 entity ID
  • Now exists for all entities, not but entities with spawn eggs

NBT data [ ]

Chunk format was modified.

Items [ ]

Changes to item structure:

  • Damage in the root of the item data removed.
  • Damage added in the tag tag, just used for durability.
  • map integer added in the tag tag, for maps.
  • Base of Shields has the colors in the reverse order for consistency.
  • ench for enchantments got renamed to Enchantments.
  • Enchantment Ids in Enchantments and StoredEnchantments now use the string ids.

Entities [ ]

Changes to entity format:

  • CollarColor of Wolves has the colors in the contrary order for consistency.
  • carried and carriedData of Endermen merged into carriedBlockState.[NBT note ane]
  • inTile and inData of Arrows and Spectral Arrows merged into inBlockState.[NBT note 1]
  • DisplayTile and DisplayData of Minecarts merged into DisplayState.[NBT note 1]
  • Block and Information of Falling Blocks merged into BlockState.[NBT note 1]
  • ParticleParams1 and ParticleParams2 from Area Effect Clouds removed, merged with Particle (same formatting as in the control).

Blocks [ ]

Changes to block entity format:

  • Flower pot cake entity removed.
  • Annotation cake cake entity removed.
  • BlockId and BlockData of moving pistons merged into blockState.[NBT note 1]
  • Base from banners removed.
  • Rot from skulls and Heads removed.
  • Colour of banners' and Shields' Patterns has the colors in the opposite order for consistency.
  • Record of jukeboxes removed.

Prior specifications [ ]

Note Block
  • Block entity information
    •  note: Pitch (number of uses ).
    •  powered: 1 or 0 (true/simulated) - if true, the noteblock is being provided a redstone signal.
Flower Pot
  • Cake entity information
    •  Particular: The Cake ID of the plant in the pot. Known valid blocks are minecraft:sapling (6), minecraft:tallgrass (31), minecraft:deadbush (32), minecraft:yellow_flower (37), minecraft:red_flower (38), minecraft:brown_mushroom (39), minecraft:red_mushroom (40), minecraft:cactus (81). Other block and detail IDs may be used, but not all will render. Together with Data, this determines the item dropped past the pot when destroyed.
    •  Data: The information value to employ in conjunction with the higher up Cake ID. For case if Item is 6 (a sapling block), the Data is used to signal the blazon of sapling.
  1. a b c d e This tag will change to a compound format with {Proper noun:"block_id",Properties:{state:"value"}}

Commands [ ]

Some commands were changed.

  • /clear [<information>] statement removed.[command note i]
  • /clone [<data>] argument merged with ID and no longer allows metadata.[command note 2]
  • /execute detect (now /execute if|unless cake) [<data>] argument merged with ID and no longer allows metadata.[command notation 2]
  • /fill up [<data>] and [<replaceData>] arguments merged with ID and no longer let metadata.[command note 2]
  • /give [<data>] argument removed.[command note i]
  • /replaceitem [<data>] argument removed.[command note 1]
  • /setblock [<data>] argument merged with ID and no longer allows metadata.[command annotation 2]
  • /particle [<params>] arguments merged with name and formatted as block_id[states] and item_id.
  1. a b c Come across nbt section for what happens to other information values. See likewise 1.13's Items section
  2. a b c d See also 1.13's Blocks department

Advancements [ ]

Two changes were made to advancements:

  • icon'southward data removed.
  • detail status'south data removed.

Loot tables [ ]

The set_data function was removed from loot tables.

Game assets [ ]

This section is missing data virtually A table comparing old and new texture file names, identically to how Coffee Edition pack changes does it.

Please expand the section to include this data. Farther details may exist on the talk page.

  • Models
    • Renamed to use the new IDs.
  • Cake state files
    • Renamed to use the new IDs.
    • "normal" for blocks without block states changed to an empty string ("").
    • Detail frames now have "map=false" instead of "normal" and "map=true" instead of "map".
    • Model references no longer first at the models/block/ folder, but instead at models/.
  • Textures
    • Renamed to use the new IDs.
    • Renamed the blocks folder to block.
    • Renamed the items folder to detail.
  • Recipes
    • Renamed to use the new IDs.
  • Advancements
    • Recipe advancements renamed to use the new IDs.
  • Language files
Translation central 1.12 syntax 1.13 syntax Remarks Exmaple
Blocks tile.<argument>.name block.<namespace>.<block_id> <argument> was an arbitrary name;

e.g. "lightgem" for glowstone

"": "Glowstone"

has been replaced with

"block.minecraft.glowstone": "Glowstone"

Items item.<argument>.name item.<namespace>.<item_id> <argument> was an capricious name;

e.g. "yellowDust" for glowstone dust

"": "Glowstone Grit"

has been replaced with

"item.minecraft.glowstone_dust": "Glowstone Dust"

Entities entity.<argument>.name entity.<namespace>.<entity_id> <argument> was an capricious proper name;

e.g. "MinecartRideable" for the pre-1.11 ID of minecart

"entity.MinecartRideable.proper name": "Minecart"

has been replaced with

"entity.minecraft.minecart": "Minecart"

Enchantments enchantment.<argument> enchantment.<namespace>.<enchantment_id> <argument> was an arbitrary proper noun;

east.yard. "waterWorker" for Aqua Affinity

"enchant.waterWorker": "Aqua Affinity"

has been replaced with

"enchantment.minecraft.aqua_affinity": "Aqua Affinity"

Effects effect.<statement> effect.<namespace>.<effect_id> <argument> was an arbitrary proper name;

eastward.yard. "digSlowDown" for Mining Fatigue

"effect.digSlowDown": "Mining Fatigue"

has been replaced with

"consequence.minecraft.mining_fatigue": "Mining Fatigue"

General statistics stat.<statisticId> stat.<namespace>.<statistic_id> <statisticId> was the statistic proper name with capitalization;

e.g. "playOneMinute" for Time Played

"stat.playOneMinute": "Time Played"

has been replaced with

"stat.minecraft.play_one_minute": "Time Played"

Statistics information stat.<statisticType> stat_type.<namespace>.<statistic_type> <statisticType> was the statistic blazon with capitalization;

e.thousand. "entityKills" for killed mobs

"stat.entityKills": "You killed %s %s"

has been replaced with

"stat_type.minecraft.killed": "You killed %s %s"

Block translation strings [ ]

This section is missing information virtually A raw list of names copied directly from en_US.lang can be found commented out below; these volition need rearranged into a tabular array like those higher up.

Delight aggrandize the department to include this information. Further details may exist on the talk page.

Detail translation strings [ ]

This section is missing information about A raw list of names copied direct from en_US.lang tin exist institute commented out below; these will need rearranged into a table like those higher up.

Delight expand the department to include this data. Farther details may exist on the talk page.

History [ ]

Coffee Edition
1.13 17w45a Command format changed to no longer apply meta data and impairment values; making the items differing by harm not possible to be given with commands.
17w47a The detail and cake IDs got merged, deleted, separated and renamed.
The cake state changes got applied.
Removed damage from items, added damage in the tag tag for tools and armor and added map for maps.
Trapped Chests now got their own block entity id trapped_chest.
Metadata completely removed.
Particle IDs got namespaced and renamed.
Statistics got namespaced, and entity statistics removed.
Translation strings now follow the ID for items, blocks and statistics.
17w47b Trapped Chests now use the breast cake entity id again.
17w48a Entity statistics re-added and now apply to all entities.
18w02a Painting motives are at present namespaced and renamed.
Wall banners now apply the same translation key as their standing variant banners.
The translation keys for entities are now entity.<namespace>.<id> instead of entity.<title>.proper noun.
18w07b Renamed turtle_shell_piece to scute.
18w10b Separated dead_coral into one for each color.
18w10c Merged water and flowing_water.
Merged lava and flowing_lava.
18w14b Renamed <color>_dead_coral to dead_<variant>_coral_block.
Renamed <colour>_coral to <variant>_coral_block.
Renamed <color>_coral_plant to <variant>_coral.
Renamed <colour>_coral_fan to <variant>_coral_fan.
18w19a Renamed (tall_)sea_grass to (tall_)seagrass.
Renamed the entity puffer_fish to pufferfish.
Changed the name of Clownfish to Tropical Fish.
18w20a Renamed kelp_top to kelp.
Renamed kelp to kelp_plant.
Renamed prismarine_bricks_slab to prismarine_brick_slab.
Renamed prismarine_bricks_stairs to prismarine_brick_stairs.
Renamed cod_mob_spawn_egg to cod_spawn_egg.
Renamed salmon_mob_spawn_egg to salmon_spawn_egg.
Renamed cod_mob to cod.
Renamed salmon_mob to salmon.
Changed the name of Weighted Pressure Plate (Heavy) to Heavy Weighted Pressure level Plate.
Changed the name of Weighted Force per unit area Plate (Light) to Lite Weighted Pressure Plate.
Inverse the name of Gilded Horse Armor to Golden Horse Armor.
Changed the proper name of Concatenation Armor to Chainmail Armor.
Changed the name of Milk to Milk Bucket.
Changed the name of Seeds to Wheat Seeds.
Inverse the name of Spawn <mob> to <mob> Spawn Egg.
Renamed several block textures.
Renamed several structure files.
18w20b Renamed melon_block to melon.
Renamed melon to melon_slice.
Renamed speckled_melon to glistering_melon_slice.
Changed the entity name Ender Crystal to End Crystal.
Inverse the entity name Cake of TNT to Primed TNT.
18w21a The ench NBT tag is now chosen Enchantments, and no longer has number IDs in each compound.
18w22a The block state for Leaves inverse from check_decay and decayable Booleans to altitude (ranging from 1 to 7) and a persistent Boolean.
18w22b Bark now has axis=x|y|z block states.
pre3 textures/blocks/ changed to textures/cake/.
textures/items/ changed to textures/item/.
Block state files now use "" rather than "normal" to specify no cake states.
Block state files at present reference models starting in models/ rather than models/block/.
pre5 Renamed xp_orb to experience_orb.
Renamed xp_bottle to experience_bottle.
Renamed eye_of_ender_signal to eye_of_ender.
Renamed ender_crystal to end_crystal.
Renamed the entity fireworks_rocket to firework_rocket.
Renamed commandblock_minecart to command_block_minecart.
Renamed villager_golem to iron_golem.
Renamed evocation_fangs to evoker_fangs.
Renamed evocation_illager to evoker.
Renamed vindication_illager to vindicator.
Renamed illusion_illager to illusioner.
Renamed evocation_illager_spawn_egg to evoker_spawn_egg.
Renamed vindication_illager_spawn_egg to vindicator_spawn_egg.
Renamed mob_spawner to spawner.
Renamed portal to nether_portal.
Renamed clownfish to tropical_fish.
Renamed clownfish_bucket to tropical_fish_bucket.
Renamed chorus_fruit_popped to popped_chorus_fruit.
Renamed <blazon>_bark to <type>_wood.
The sound event changes got applied.
The biome ID changes got applied.
The translation keys for enchantments are now enchantment.<namespace>.<id> instead of enchantment.<name>
The translation keys for effects are now effect.<namespace>.<id> instead of effect.<name>

References [ ]

  1. of MC-121742


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